Chapter 6

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*two weeks later*

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm. I was about to press snooze when I remembered what's happening today... Wills funeral. I got up and went downstairs to have breakfast. It was silent, even the twins were being quiet. I silently played with my coco pops, not feeling hungry. Nothing really happened until the door went. I ran to open it, knowing it would be Liam. I opened it and was right. Before he could say anything, I hugged him and buried my head in his chest.

"Babe? Are you ok?" He asked, worried. I just shook my head, I could feel the tears coming. He took my hand and dragged me up to my room. When we were up there he hugged me and let me cry into his chest. After a while he pulled away.

"You should get ready." He told me and I nodded. He walked out to let me get changed. I stared at my wardrobe for a while before I decided to put on a dress with a white top and black skirt with a black and gold belt. I decided to put on my black and gold flats and my black and gold bag. I did my make-up natural and curled my hair. Then I went downstairs to see the rest of my family.

Everyone was there except my mum and the twins. Their probably still getting ready. I went to stand with Liam and Louis.

"Lou, is Harry coming?" I asked, hoping he would.

"Obviously! Your like his sister. He wants to be there for you!" Louis said. I smiled. Harry is Louis best friend. We're really close and I can tell him anything. He's like an older brother, one I can have a laugh with and isn't annoying like Lou.

"Yay!" I exclaimed happily. That brightened my mood a bit. "Eleanors coming too." He told me.

"Aww!" I said and Louis blushed. Eleanor is Louis' girlfriend. She's really nice, funny and pretty. They've been going out for nearly a year now and their so cute together! My mum and the twins came down so we left. We were the first ones there so we took our seats, leaving two for Harry and Eleanor and waited. Liam held my hand. He could probably tell how nervous and upset I was. Slowly people started to come in. Once everyone was there the funeral started. When he was buried, we all threw blue and green confetti onto the coffin before the mud came on. I also threw him a blue teddy holding a red love heart saying 'I love you xxx'. After he was buried I had to give a speech. My eyes were full of tears as I walked towards the place my gorgeous baby boy was buried.

"So as you all know, Will was and still is my baby boy. I was so shocked when I found out but I still loved him! I still do and I can't believe this happened to him. All because his mummys a klutz. I was really looking forward to being a mum, even though I'm only 14, but it all got taken away from me." I felt the tears fall from my eyes but I had to carry on. "I love you so much Will! I hope you have a good time up in heaven and I can't wait til I get to finally meet you up there! Bye..." I started sobbing and went and sat back to Liam. He comforted me. I can't remember much of the other speeches, I was crying too much. Crying over my dead little boy. My baby Will, that I never got to meet. My baby that I love so much and will never ever forget!

Broken (A Liam Payne fanfiction) ~EditingWhere stories live. Discover now