Chapter 9

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Tris POV
I smash my alarm clock and get up.
Yay another day of hell hole with my ex boyfriend. (Note the sarcasm)

I change into my outfit of the day (Above), brush my long hair into a messy fishtail braid, I add some eyeliner and mascara, and put on my contacts.
I grab a donut from the kitchen and get to school.

Once I finally get to school, I see Tobias walking up to me. I try to walk away but he grasps onto my arm and grips it so I have no way to move.


Tobias grips on my arm tightly.
I see him raising his arm to slap me. He slaps me, hard. He swipes my leg so I fall. He starts kicking me and punching me harshly. I cry out blood from my mouth.


I start screaming and crying not being able to breathe.

"Don't play dumb Tris. I know you slept with other guys you slut." Tobias says harshly and spits out my name as if it was venom.

As soon as he finishes talking, darkness takes me.
"If your gonna try to hurt me, do it. I'm not that little slut from high school." I spit out.

Four POV
I see Tris' eyes filled with anger. Her blue grey eyes flaming with anger and a small part of fear.
I pull her close to me and crash my lips to hers. She doesn't kiss back. I keep kissing her until she pushes back.

"What was that?" Tris asks.

I stay silent for a moment and then say

"I love you Tris don't you see? I didn't want to hurt you. Lauren was threatening me to kiss her." I say. It was true Lauren tried to threaten me by saying "If you don't kiss me, say goodbye to Tris."

"What did she say that threatened you. 'Say goodbye to your popularity' or 'I'll-" She asks but I cut her off.

"She told me that if I didn't kiss her I'll lose you." I say.She smiles but then a frown replaces the beautiful grin.

"Um Tobias, I still love you but if you keep breaking my heart like this, I don't think we should be together." Tris says. She's right, I keep hurting her and she never deserved it. I nod and we go our seperate ways.


Music class

Tris POV

I go the instrument locker to get my violin.

I start tuning the violin and fixing my bow (a/n the stick for the violin,viola, cello, bass etc is called a bow... Yes I have played the violin and probably a little bit of the cello bc I have friends).

I start playing Shatter Me until Mr.Juan comes in. I wonder where is Tobias?

Christina rushes to me.

"Did you see the fight?" She asks.

"What fight?" I reply.

"There was fight with Four and one random guy who was saying stuff about you. I heard him say that your a slut, a Lauren 2.0, that you should die, and a bitch. Four heard him and start saying to stop saying those stuff. I went in to help Four, same thing with everyone from the gang." She explains.

"Thanks for standing up for me Chris." I say. "I never had friends like you guys. Last time someone said crap like that, they believed them."

"Anything for a friend." She replies back.

Why would Tobias do that? Does he really love me? What if he wants me to believe that but doesnt really love me? I am confused.


"I love Beatrice." Tobias says.

I smile and reply back

"I love you too."

"I love you more." He says

"Impossible." I answer back. He starts laughing and I join in as we walk to school.

"Impossible" I whisper as tears come falling on my face.


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