Chapter 11

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Tris POV

Once Upon a Dream,
The wingless fallen angel, surrendered herself to the contract of evil.
In the past the even loved each other.
She ended it by her own hand....

I hear a gun shot.

I open my eyes as I shoot up. I hear another gun shot and Tobias shoots up.
I check the window and see
He came back early from the business trip because he got fired for getting drunk alot.
He's shouting, more like slurring. Jesus fucking Christ he's drunk.

"Tobias get the phone, now."
He does it and he calls 911 on speaker
"911 what is your emergency" the operator asks
"There's a drunk man, in his 50's shooting around a neighborhood." I say.
"What's the address?" The operator asks us.
"4060 Faction Road, in Chicago,Illinois." Tobias answers.
"We have an ambulance and-"
I can't hear what they say next because there's a sharp pain on my back. My vision is blurring. Fuck, Marcus shot me.
I scream and Tobias holds me. There's a ringing as Tobias shouts something.
"I love you Tobias." I say and

The stray heartbroken angel
Wandered in a town at dusk
She came across a mysterious boy
Smiling with mournful eyes
At the moment their eyes met
The pathetic angel fell for him
As the forbidden feelings grew inside her
She betrayed everything........

I can't see anything still.
Am I dead?
I open my eyes and see Tobias holding on to a familiar body.
It's me.
"Tris don't leave me." He shouts as the ambulance comes.
They put me in a gurney and tell Tobias to go the hospital they're taking me to.
"Can anyone hear me?" I ask. But they are still doing their things.
I follow Tobias to his car and see Marcus getting arrested. I go on the passanger seat in the front and Tobias goes off to the hospital.
I put my hand on top of his, hoping he would notice me.
I look at him.
He's texting the gang to meet him up at the hospital.
What would happen to me, Tobias, Caleb, my parents, my friends?
What would happen?

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