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s.kane - - -

The knife embedded itself on the businessman's chest before she could even register what she did. Her hand pulled it back out and she watched as the man crumbled to the ground with a sickening thud. Blood splutters from his mouth whilst he coughed endlessly. She kicked him in the stomach, thinking that it would stop his coughing fit, but it only made him whimper loudly.

"Mr. Evans, you'll be dead in any given minute, so please stop making so much noise," her hands snatched his satchel from the pavement and started to scavenge for anything useful. Inside, she found his thick wallet and a few expensive phones. She was about to put it back down, but then she felt something like metal. She took it out and saw that it was a black handgun. Smirking internally, she placed it in her bag together with my other stolen weapons from other dead people.

The silence filling the air was enough for her to know that her victim was now cold and lifeless. For the first time, she looked back at the man and actually felt remorse for what she has done. He probably has a family; a family that loves him so dearly, a family that she knew she'd never have. Just the thought of 'family' made her cringe in disgust.

These types of thoughts make her do things that she doesn't usually do, like walk home. Usually, she would just close her eyes and imagine where she wanted to be, and then she's there. Just like magic.

Her bag being thrown to the ground snaps her out of her thoughts. It even made her stumble; it totally caught the girl off guard. "What the hell?" she muttered, slowly picking the bag up, but before she fully has full possession of the object, she saw a red streak from the corner of her eye causing her to stand up straight.

Her hand involuntarily wrapped itself around the hilt of her katana. Pulling it out of its sheath, she positioned herself in a fighting stance, "C'mon, don't be a coward, hero."

She was suddenly knocked to the empty road, her sword slipping from her grip and skidding away. The hero held her by her hood as he pulled her to her feet then slammed her back to the pole of a stop sign. His arm was against her chest, slightly cutting off her air supply. Her hands were held by his and are placed between her and the pole. Since he pulled her by her hood, her dark hair is now visible. It's a dead giveaway, to be honest. She stared at the man in a red suit in front of her, making her smile sadistically when she knew who he is, "Kill me, Flash. You want to protect this city, right? Prove it. Kill me!"

He grits his teeth in anger and applied more pressure in his arm that was on her chest, making her raise her eyebrow in delight because she knew that her stalling worked, "I need you alive. Besides, I'm not like you. I am not a murderer."

"Don't give me that hero crap," she scoffed, trying to hide the fear she was feeling, "I'm trying to make your life easy here. Without me, there's nothing to save, but you're right, you need me alive. You need me to be a true hero."

"Why do you do this?" Barry asked.

She clicked her tongue, "I do it for fun. The world isn't interesting without a little bloodbath, is it not?"

Then, her watch started making loud ticking noises, "My times up, Flash. Nice talking with you."

She melted into the shadows and appeared behind him. She took the chance of him not looking and pushed him on the same pole, doing the same things he did to her, "Would you look at that? Oh, how the tables have turned."

"What are you?" he questioned.

She narrowed her eyes at him through her mask, "I'm a lot quite like you actually, minus the not-killing-people part, of course. If you're 'The Flash', I should have a villain name too, right? Tell Cisco that I already have a name, but you can call me anything you want, just don't call me tonight," she winked, "Enough chit-chat. We should meet again, Barry Allen. I had so much fun."

She released him and went straight for her katana and bag, "Tell your friends from S.T.A.R. labs that are listening right now I said hi."

"How do you know my name?" he stood there, frozen. Like someone threw a bucket of cold water at him with no warning.

A menacing grin made its way to her lips as she saw him shiver. She almost didn't notice it, but she did, "I know a lot of things, Barry Allen. I'm everywhere, and the scary thing is, you won't even know when I'll be popping up.

"Always remember, I'm Psy-kill: half psycho, half killer."

She continued to stare at him as she became one with the shadows. The familiar darkness enveloping her in cold mist, it made goosebumps appear on her skin. She'll never get used to this.

When she opened her eyes, she was back in her shitty cell-room.

Those kinds of action drove her insane—well, crazier than she already is.

She would do it again sometime.

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phew that had an awful lot of pronouns

im sorry about that by the way

but yay im back with a chapter after 2-3 dayss

i hope you like this, but if not im really sorry bc i know im not a awesome writer at all

so yeah please read and dont forget to vote and leave some comments behind

if there's any corrections or errors im sorry but I'll try to make it perf when i have time

again i love you all and thank you for the continuous love you have for this book


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