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b.allen - - -

When he woke up the next day, he didn't know what to expect.

So when he saw Shay lounging on their living room in the early am's, he was surely surprised. While rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he greeted her, "Hey, Shay, I— uhm, good morning! Why are you here? I-I mean, there's nothing wrong with you being here but I— wow. I need to stop."

"For starters, good morning to you, too," Shay smiled at him, and her smile almost melted Barry into a puddle of god knows what, "But Iris called me up. She said that—"

Then the great Iris West came swooping in, patting Barry on his shoulder on her way to sit beside her fellow woman, "That I need to spend more time with my newly found friend. So here she is, we're planning on eating the whole day long."

"But don't you have a shift on Jitters today?" Barry asked, who finally understood why Shay was in their house in simple shorts and sweatshirt.

Iris just grinned at him and handed Shay a bottle of soda, "I called them earlier. I can't believe that they really fell for the sick excuse."

Barry just stood by the stairs for a couple minutes before breaking out of his morning dazes, "What movie are you gonna watch?"

"Something weird and crappy, I hope," Shay replied with her mouth full of the popcorn Iris prepared for them before Barry woke up. Iris held up a dvd at her and asked her if she wanted to watch it. "Oh good, that movie is shit. I need to diss at it again."

"You want to watch with us?"

It took a while for the young scientist to realize that Iris was speaking to him, "Yeah sure."

He didn't know where exactly to sit until Shay patted the seat next to her. Of course, the gesture made Barry blush like a huge dork.

They ended up watching that movie about a kid with ADHD who eventually learns about his godly heritage and then later on goes to a drastic quest to save his mom.

"I swear that movie is shit," Shay said once the movie finished. She certainly was not impressed. She had read the complete series and what happened in the movie didn't make sense.

"You look a bit like Annabeth though," Barry blurted out.

The female just rolled her eyes at his comment, "Ugh, thats been the hundredth time I've heard that in my entire life. I honestly can't see the resemblance."

"What should we watch next?"

The three had watched two more movies before they ordered pizza as lunch. But of course, duty calls. Barry received a message from Cisco which said only one word: uRGENT!

"Iris," Barry said in a stern voice, and he knew exactly what it meant.

"Go," she practically pushed her adoptive brother to the doors.

"But what about Shay?"

Shay just went to the comfort room to relieve herself again because, in her words, she has a bladder a size of a peanut.

"I'll make something up, go," with one final shove, Barry flashed out of her sight.

Now, all that Iris has to worry about is the story she had to make up.

But Shay had no worries at all. The moment that the hero didn't notice the marks he left on her the last time they had met, she knew that her plans were right on track.

Shrader Kane has once again crossed off another thing on her check list.

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some actually got this reveal just after I introduced Shay so...

lets just pray for Barry for being so blinded by infatuation that he cant even notice that his archenemy is sitting riGHT BESIDE HIM

also lets just pretend that she has read and watched percy jackson before she was locked up

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