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As I walk towards the empty table in the corner of the cafeteria with a tray full of food, I hear someone call me.

"Sierra! Over here!"

I turn around and see Nate sitting with his friends at a table in the middle of the room, waving at me.

"Come join us!"

I mentally debate with myself whether or not to accept his offer to sit with the popular kids. I mean, I don't usually mingle with a bunch of overly happy cheerleaders and jocks. In the end I think- fuck it. What have I got to lose?

As I walk towards them, I almost do a double take. Chloe is sitting next to Tyler. Chloe Nichols, one of my best friends, is sitting next to the star soccer player, Tyler Williams.

Oh wait. I forgot they're dating. I'm such a great friend.

I sit down on the only empty chair I can find, which is in between Nate and Gabriela Erickson. She turns towards me and smiles.

Nate clears his throat and says, "Guys, this is Sierra Anne Clarke, better known as, my tour guide for the past few days."

They all smile at me warmly and introduce themselves. Not that they need any introduction. Even the freshmen know them.

There's Gabriela and and Emma, who are both cheerleaders, and Megan who was a former cheerleader. Dan, Ethan and Tyler are all in the school soccer team.

I smile at them and start eating my pizza. I watch them for some time and listen to their friendly banters. Gabriela turns to me and says, "What's Fall Out Boy? It's on your T-shirt."

Megan gasps dramatically and says, "Wait, you don't know Fall Out Boy? They're like the best band ever!"

I raise an eyebrow at Megan, "You like Fall Out Boy?"

"Of course I do. Why?"

"No, it's just, I didn't pin you down for a band girl."

Emma speaks up, "Meg listens to many bands. Fall Out Boy is her favorite band."

Chloe joins in too, "Sierra here knows practically all bands. Nirvana, Fall Out Boy, Arctic Monkeys, 5sos, My Chemical Romance- you name it."

Gabriela furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "What kind of romance is chemical? And arctic monkeys? I never knew monkeys were arctic animals."

Megan rolls her eyes, "Forget it, Gab. You're never gonna get it."

I laugh, instantly liking Megan. At least someone in this group has a good taste in music.


I wake up to the sound of somebody tapping on my window. I open my eyes and look towards the window and see Alex grinning at me. I check the time on my phone- 2:48 am. What the hell was he doing at this time?

I open my window and let him in.

He sits on my bed and smiles up at me. "Hi."

"You better have a good fucking explanation as to why you decided to randomly show up at my window at 2:48 am."

He rolls his eyes. "Lighten up, will you? Can't I come and visit my blood sibling whenever I want?"

"No you can't. Just tell me why you're here."

"I missed you. I was absent- again- at school today. I was packing my suitcase, by the way. That's why I couldn't go to school."

I nod. "And you couldn't get sleep?"


"So you decide to disturb my sleep?"

"Yeah, well. I don't care."

"So what now? Should I sing you to sleep, Your Highness?"

"Nah. Let's just watch Dr Who on Netflix."


He smiles happily.

As we watch Dr Who, I think about how much I'm going to miss him when he's gone. Sure, I still had Chloe, but Alex and I have been partners in crime practically since we were born. We've been inseparable. You know that saying: 'Where there is smoke, there is fire'? If he was smoke, I was fire. He was the tuxedo to my bowtie. We were birds of a feather. And now he's leaving for good. I can't wrap my head around that fact.


I turn towards him.

"What are you thinking about?"

"You," I answer truthfully.

"Me leaving?"


He sighs. "I'm so sorry."

I shake my head. "Don't be. I'm just being selfish, sorry."

"You're not being selfish, Sierra."

"Yeah, I am. You're going to finally see your dad after eighteen years, and instead of being happy for you, I'm only thinking of myself."

"That's not selfish. It's only normal."

I sigh. "Promise me you'll Skype me everyday?"

"I promise." He smiles at me.

I smile back and hug him. "I'll miss you so much. Just be happy okay? Do whatever you think is right."

"You don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. Don't think of me, okay? It'll only make things worse. I told you, I'll Skype you everyday."

I nod and think, everything will be just fine.

How wrong I was.


I'm sorry if this was super short. I've been busy with schoolwork and stuff, and I also found out that my cat is dying so I haven't been able to update. Sorry.

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Luff youh

~Jane x

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