Nine- Part 1

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Here's a photo of me trying to be cute and failing miserably LMAO



Fruit eyes me as I walk down the stairs. "Well, you look fancy. Going somewhere?"

I look down at what I'm wearing. I am wearing my nicest pair of skinny jeans and a dark pink V- neck T-shirt, advertising my favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer. And, surprise surprise, I have make-up on! Well, I haven't exactly caked my face with it, but a certain someone made me put on a light coat of lip gloss (which tastes amazing, may I add) and eyeliner. (Spoiler alert: It was Chloe. Duh.) She straightened my hair, and when I looked in the mirror, I couldn't fucking recognize myself.

I smile, "Yes, actually. Um, Nate asked me out on a date."

He raises his eyebrows, "Dear Lord! Somebody asked you out on a date? What is the world coming to?"

I narrow my eyes at him playfully, "Rude."

"I was only joking, Sierra. Where is he taking you anyway?"

"I don't know, he said it's a surprise."

He nods his head and grins. "I ship you both already."

"Jesus, Fruit! How the fu-" He raises his eyebrows, "-dgecake do you know what shipping means?"

He chuckles and says in a disturbingly deep voice, "I know all, Sierra Anne Clarke."

I roll my eyes at him. Sometimes I can't help but think Fruit only grew in size. Mentally, he's about six years old.

I sit down on the couch and reread The Fault in Our Stars. Minutes later, the doorbell rings. "That's for me!" I yell and run to the door before Fruit can beat me to it. The last thing I want is Fruit to meet Nate.

I open the door, and see Nate standing on the porch, smiling.

"Well, don't you look different," he comments.

"Shut up," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, I meant that in the nicest way possible."

"Sure," I smile at him. I yell goodbye to Fruit over my shoulder and close the door. I walk over to Nate's car, when he grabs my arm to stop me.

I look down at his hand and raise my eyebrows at him.

He drops my hand and opens the door to the passenger seat. "I wanted to open the door for you, " he says, grinning.

I laugh, "You dork."

I get in and sit down while he goes over to the driver's seat. He pulls out of the driveway, while I turn the radio on. I smile, recognizing the song as 'Ride' by none other than Twenty One Pilots (A/N: shoutout to my babe amanda for introducing me to tøp (lub yu)). I turn up the volume and sing along softly and turn to see Nate smiling.

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