Chapter 19

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I was woken up by the sound of a siren wailing in my ears. At first, I dreaded the thought that all of this could have been a dream, and I was still in my room being woken for school. However, I soon realized that this sound was not an alarm, it was a high pitched screech, not unlike the sound of the doors closing. But this was different.

Our cell doors swung open, and two boys I did not recognize ushered us out. They weren't violent and they didn't try to restrain us, but I still got the feeling there would be no point in trying to escape. Newt stayed by my side, struggling to keep up because of his limp. When I tried to slow down to walk with him, it resulted in a stern glare and a mouthed warning.

We were led to a group of people surrounding one of the doors. It was still the middle of the night, so I couldn't make out anyone's faces (even though there were torches surrounding the area). We were led to the outside of the group, where the boys left us to stand in the confused crowd. I craned my neck to see over the heads of the boys in front of me, but my height made the effort useless.

"What's going on?" I heard Newt whisper to a boy next to him.

"The doors, they haven't shut tonight. Some boys think it's our que to leave. Others think this is a sign that the creators are getting impatient."

At that exact moment, a screech echoed down the maze corridor which we were standing at. Panic immediately shot through every single person as we all had the same thought- grievers.

"Get to the homestead! Get any wood and bar the doors and windows, make sure everyone is inside! Keepers, you're in charge of your workers. Everybody move!" Alby shouted over the noise.

Newt grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the homestead. The crowd of people swarming in the same direction threatened to pull me away from him. We all ran together until we were no longer outside, and only then did we slow down.

The building was full. People were everywhere, some searching for their friends and others pushing any furniture they could find against the windows. Keepers were shouting out names and directions, but I couldn't stop to listen as Newt pulled me upstairs and into one of the rooms. Minho, Thomas, Chuck and Alby were already here trying to secure everywhere.

"What about the others? Shouldn't we be helping?" I demanded over the noise.

"Everyone has already been assigned to a room, and they've been told that they're all responsible for securing their own room," Newt explained. "Lib- come here."

The room had two single beds and a double sofa. Newt was sitting on the efdge of one of the beds as the other four boys had already taken up their spaces. He patted the seat next to him, and my cheeks only blushed momentarily before I moved to sit next to him.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close so my head buried into his shoulder. Newt gently rocked his body back and forth as he ran his fingers through my hair.

We could hear crashes coming from one of the other rooms, it sounded like one from just down the hall, and it didn't sound good. Screaming and shouting came from that same room, and my body tensed in Newt's grip.

"I won't let them get you, Libellus," he whispered into my ear.

At that moment, the door to our room burst open. Newt instinctively flung himself off of me, and he stood up and reached for what looked like an axe, that I had only just noticed, in the corner of the room. Then he quickly moved to stand protectively in front of me. The figure standing in the doorway wasn't a griever though, it was just a boy with a nasty gash across his forehead and tears in his clothes.

"It's Gally, he gave himself to the grievers."

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