Chapter 1. Pancakes

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Woop woop!
The story has begun!

Also thanks to LauraKemperman for drawing the main character (Tanisha)

~*~*~*~*~*~*ENJOY *~*~*~*~*~*~


'Tanisha? Tanisha?
I woke up to my mum screaming my name. Something's wrong! I jump out of my bed and ran down the stairs almost tripping while making my way to the kitchen.

'Mum!' I scream while I race around the corner and look around the kitchen expecting a fire, or a murderer or at least a mouse. But there she is making pancakes with a smile on her face.

'Good morning, would you like some pancakes ♡' she asked while smiling. Why would she smile at me when she almost gave me a heart attack!!

'Mum why would you scream at me! I thought you were in trouble!' I yelled.

'Well you're the one who's going to be in trouble, you slept through your alarm clock and if you don't start getting ready now you'll be late for school' she told me calmly.

I gasped at the clock realising what time it was, 'shït!' I mumbled running back to my room to get ready.

My mornings are not usually like this I promise! Which reminds me, I haven't fully introduced myself yet have I?
My name is Tanisha Pannini and I'm sixteen years old. I live in Britain in a small village called Volkens, you've probably never heard of it. I live there with my mum and my stepdad. I have blond hair blue eyes and, since a few months ago, no more braces or glasses!

After finishing my breakfast (pancakes drowned in chocolate syrup) I grabbed my heavy schoolbag and rode my bicycle to meet my friend Chantalini so we could ride to school together. She was quite annoyed that I was late but she forgave me after a few apologies.

When we arrived at school I found out my maths class had been cancelled, great. Apparently the teacher was sick and they didn't have enough time to find a replacement. I sat down in the cafeteria that was almost empty except for a few other students. Just when I decided today was going to be a terrible day, he walked in.
With those eyes and that hair, and that smile.

Zayn Malik

Even his name is beautifull.
He looked quite rushed, oh that's right. Zayn and I have math together, he must think he's late.
I called out his name before thinking about doing so.
Why did I do that?
Alright maybe he didn't hear it.
Why is he walking towards me?
Alright he definitely heard me.
But i don't even know what to say to-

'Hey Tanisha, vas happenin'

Oke, he just talked to me, now I'm supposed to respond. But look at his cute smile, and the way he said my name ♡.

'H-hi, so ummm the math class got cancelled' i said

'Oh.. well at least I'm not late' he said smiling again

I smile back

His smile is even cuter up close, you can see the way his eyes crinkle and his lips-WAIT! It's my turn to respond! Now we are just looking at each other and smiling! This is so awkward, what do I say?

I was just about to make a comment about the weather when he started speaking again.

'I should go give in some paper work to miss. Felingus, see you later' than he started walking off.

'Bye Zayn' i mumbled, it's so difficult to keep a conversation going with him. Maybe he just thinks I'm to childish to have a conversation with because I'm a year younger than him..

I decide to kill time by playing candy crush on my Phone, level 82 bitches!!

When I finally get bored of the game i look up to see Zayn sitting at a table with his friends Calum and Louis. Behind them i can see Bella walking up to them. ughhh... not her.
When she reaches their table she taps on Zayn's shoulder to get his attention completely ignoring Calum and Louis.
Everybody knows that Bella Crowe is obsessed with Zayn, she won't leave him alone. She also has this weird habit of biting her lip while looking at him.

'Jealous?' I suddenly hear somebody whisper in my ear

It's no surprise that it's Emma Lewis, my best friend.

'No' i lied, Bella is annoying but at least she can talk to him.

'Of course you aren't, there is no competition for you' she replied.

I chuckled, the cafeteria slowly started filling with People as we talked about dogs unicorns and of course sixpacks.
I looked up now and then to check if Bella was stil bothering Zayn but thankfully she had left.

When the bell rang I said goodbye to a few friends and walked to class with Emma.

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