Chapter 7. Change my mind

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You can see the character Rolien in the multimedia.

~*~*~*~*~*~*ENJOY *~*~*~*~*~*~
'Yeah, let's go back inside' I replied. So we both got up and started walking towards the house and I looked back to see the everybody but Liam and Harry following us.
Me and Zayn entered the house and I was quite surprised to see that it's empty. All of the other people that were here for the party had left, well except a few people that were sitting on the L-shaped couch while watching a football match on TV.

Me and Zayn walked over to the people sitting on the couch. once I was closer to the couch I started to recognise the people sitting on it, they were Michael, Ashton and Luke. We plopped down next to michael and I pretended to pay attention to the football game when in reality I was just trying to process everything that had happened tonight. zayn held my hand, we snuggled by a campfire we danced like there's no tomorrow. what more could I ask for?

'Tanisha?' Emma suddenly called out for me, I looked back to see her signaling me to join her in the kitchen.

I stood up and walked over to her 'What's up?'

'It's 12 am and we're supposed to be home in half an hour.' Emma explained.

'Oh..' I reply sadly, I don't want this night to end. Nickela walked out of the kitchen with Niall following behind her.

'Hey, I've already arranged my way home. Niall is going to bring on his motorcycle, and then I'll come back after school next Wednesday to collect my bike' Nickela explained.
Nickela is coming back here! She and Niall must really get along. I can't help but feel a little jealous.

'Me and lou could drop you off at home' a voice suddenly spoke, I turned around to see it was Zayn. How does he always sneak up on me like that? It's like he's a ghost.
'We could put your bikes on the back of the truck' he offered.

'That sounds like a great idea' I said. I'll take any extra time with zayn, that sounded really creepy but the thing us I don't know what's going to happen on Monday. I don't know if he's going to talk to me or ignore me.

'I agree, I'm really not in the mood to ride my bike back home' Emma said.
I went over to the rest of the lads that were still watching the football game to say goodbye.
Rolien and Calum stood up and announced that there going off to bed.
Wow, so I guess their relationship is pretty serious.
I looked over and saw Louis helping Emma put her coat on Cute!

'Me and Nickela are leaving now!' Niall announced.

'See ya later Nialler' Liam said.

'Nialler' I chuckle

'That's mister Nialler to you' Niall teased while following Nickela out the door. A few seconds later we heard an engine start.

'Hey, it was great meeting you guys' Luke said to me and Emma

'Thanks' I reply.

'It was great meeting you too' Emma chirped.

'I'll see you guys around, I'm off to bed now' he said, Aha! So he lives here too.. that quite unexpected, he only joined their friend group like 4 weeks ago and he's already living here. I know that Harry, Zayn, Niall, Ashton, Michael, Louis, Liam and Calum live here. And maybe Rolien and Luke live here too!
I mean I guess it makes sense that they need alot of people living here so they can pay the mortgage, it is a HUGE house.

Zayn handed me my coat so i could put it on. After I did me, Zayn, Louis and Emma left the house and walked over to the garage. 'I'll start up the pickup truck, it takes a while to warm up' Zayn explained.

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