chapter 4

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Brent POV
"Hey dude!" I said running up to matthew that was standing next to cameron "yo!" Matt said and bro hugged me "so... I know you like Vega" matt said smirking "okay... Maybe but i dont think she likes me like we only knew eachother for 4 days" i said "yeah... Umm.. Brent?" Cam said "yeah bud?" I said "i-i like vega..." Cam said WHAT!!!! NO NO!!! Who am i kidding?? They clearly would be good together "you guys would look cute together" i said and went up stairs. "Brent!!" Matt yelled and he made it up stairs "what was that about? I know you like her... So fight for her..." He said "yeah well.... I dont mind that he likes va.. Cuz i know Va doesnt like me we sre just best friends" i said and went to my room.

Vegas POV
I got up out of bed cuz i dont want to be lazy i went downstairs when the bell rang i got to the door and opened it and saw Cam "hey cammy!" I said "hey" he said and smiled "oh.. Come in" i said "okay... Umm i wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He said OMG HE JUST ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND but... I like brent to and ive known brent longer but i should give cam a chance.. "Vega....???" Cam said "oh sorry... But yes.. I would love to be your girlfriend" he smiled and hugged me
-A month later-
"Hey babe" cam said "hey im going to hang out with brent today is that fine?" I said i knew he was fine with it but just to make sure while i was walking out he said "no." WHAT!! "Excuse me??" I said "i said no i dont want you hangin out with another boy cuz i know you like him" he said "i can hang out with who ever i want to we have only been dating for a month and your already picking a fight" i said "okay... Fine... I trust you.. Im sorry" he said and kissed me and we smiled and i ran out the door and saw brent in his car "hey va" he said "hey brenty" i said laughing "hey umm... Did cam ask you out?" He asked "umm... Y-yeah" i said looking down "oh...." He said and got in the car ugh... I shouldnt have told him the whole hang out we had an awkward slience finally when we got done he took me home 'thanks brent.... For the night i liked it" i said and faked smiled "anytime" he said and faked smiled i could tell "bye" i said "bye" he said back i got in the house to see cam sitting on the couch "how was the hang out with brent??" He asked "horrible because of you!!" I said running upstairs ans of course he followed "how is this my felt?" He asked "because if i never said yes to you it would have been awkward between me and brent and me and you already fought so right now i like him better but he doesnt like me anymore he hates me and now its gonna be awkward.... Thanks for ruining a friendship!!" I yelled "this is not my fault..." He said "yes it is you literally pushed me to say yes to your desperate ass!!" I yelled louder he stood there in slience "so you dont actually love me?" He said "i didnt say that!!" I yelled "it really sounds like it!!" He yelled back "you know what!! Go have fun with your bitch!!" He yelled.. And ran out i balled up and started crying what the heck is wrong with me?!?! I just lost 2 people i care about...
Why did i say it was his fault?!?? Im a horrible person!!! Why would i call him desperate!!
Week later-
at the same time he changed me now im mean i just dont care anymore... Yes i still like cam but not as much i love brent and i have been trying to give brent alot of attention... And now im really mean to cam and people who hurt me.... He deserves everything bad that comes to him... Oh yeah forgot to say he was seeing someone a couple days before things got awkward between me and brent... Brent has not been too close to me yet and he sees me being mean to cam and i see him smirk in the corner of my eye... Ever sonce me and cam ended that day ive gotten more mean and sassy and all that stuff.... Brent deserves me not cam..... Cam is just a jerk... Im hanging out with brent more but brent isnt comfortable yet and i get that because cam literally ruined us.....

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