Chapter 1: Angel's Death

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Thunk. The blade hit the target, hard and dead-centre. Jace Lightwood straightened up and took another knife from his weapons belt. This one was 8 inches long, with a sharp point and dull gray handle. Jace gripped it hard for a moment, then let it fly. The blade whistled through the air, lightning-fast, and struck the same board with another soft thunk.

Training, training, training. This was just about all Jace had done from the moment the Silent Brothers deemed him okay to to get out of bed a few days ago. Of course, he still had to spend the rest of his time in the Infirmary, getting checked on and looked after. But really, he felt fine. Except for, of course, the faint glow of his hand in the dim lighting of the Training room. He looked away quickly. It was bad enough he looked like a human candle; he didn't want to be reminded of that fact all the time.

Jace reached for another throwing knife, to get his mind off all of this "Heavenly Fire" stuff that was just about all everyone at the Institute talked about. He drew his hand back, closed around a long dagger, just as Isabelle and Alec slammed open the door of the Training room. His throw went off to the side, missing by inches.

"Jeez, what's up with the banging?" Jace asked irritably as he walked over to a rack of weapons pushed against a wall. There, he grabbed another blade before going back to the throwing post.

"Well, sorry!" Isabelle said sarcastically. "It's kinda that mom threatened to murder us if we didn't get you down to the Infirmary! Did you forget? Brother Zachariah is waiting for you." She shoved open the door again and gestured for him to go out.

Jace rolled his eyes and walked lazily to the door, dropping his knives on the already weapon-strewn wooden floor. Just as he was about to descend the stairs, Alec spoke up. "Um, Jace? You might wanna put on a shirt first." Jace looked down. He had forgotten he wasn't wearing one. The Fire inside him always made him sweat too easily. Jace felt his hair sticking to his temples and neck. He was boiling, even with just pants on.

"Right." Jace said. "We wouldn't want Brother Zachariah to faint due to my smoldering good looks, now would we?" He sauntered down the steps towards his room, leaving Isabelle and Alec staring after him with amused looks on their faces.

"Anyways, what is he here for again?" Jace said. Alec and Izzy fell into step behind him. "I thought we were through with the awkward counselling sessions. Honestly, we would just sit in silence the entire time. What's the use in that?"

"I think he's just checking up. But lighten up! Your going on a little lovey-dovey date with Clary, aren't you?" Isabelle teased. "I hear you're taking her to a fancy restaurant." She winked.

Jace sighed. "And I suppose you know all this because...?"

"Because she told me. And now I'm making her come here to help her get all dolled up."

"Didn't give her a choice, huh?" Jace smiled a little. Then, he looked sideways at Alec. "What's up with you? You're awfully quiet. Don't tell me you're still moping over Magnus?" Alec just stared at the floor, unresponding.

"Come on, Alec!" Isabelled nudged her brother. "He was a douche, okay? I know it hurts, but you need to move on with your life. I'm sure there's plenty of hot guys out there, just waiting for a guy-"

They had reached their bedrooms and Alec stalked into his, slamming the door shut behind him. Jace watched after him, almost feeling the sadness of his parabatai through the closed bedroom door. Isabelle sighed. "He's always so sensitive now, isn't he?"

Jace looked at his sister, in her high-heeled boots and tough leather jacket, she looked like she could beat the crap out of anyone, and still look fabulous doing it. But Jace knew she was upset seeing Alec like this. "Just leave him alone. He'll get over it." I hope. Jace added silently in his head. "Anyways, let's go. I don't want my gravestone to read 'death by Maryse'." He quickly grabbed a T-shirt from his room at random and pulled it on. With one last glance at Alec's door, he and Izzy made their way to the Infirmary.

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