Chapter 6: Abduction

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Jace froze. How had he not realized who this girl was? He had been so caught up in his own stupid problems that he hadn't even recognized her. She was Simon's vampire, the one he had seen a few times at the band's idiotic concerts. Alec had mentioned something about her, too, just a few days ago, that she was the new head of the clan, or something close to that. But what was she doing at a werewolf pack home if she was the leader of the Manhattan vampire clan?

"What do you want?" Jace asked cautiously, well aware that he was at a disadvantage. She was a Downworlder, with exceptional abilities by the looks of it, considering she killed the infamous Camille Belcourt at such a young age. And he was without his weapons. If she chose to attack, he would have to be ready to defend himself.

The girl, Maureen, as he recalled, stepped closer, narrowing the gap between them to a few feet. She laughed in a young, girlish way and shrugged her thin shoulders. "Oh, nothing really. I just want you to come with me. Someone very important wants to see you!" She winked, wicked sharp teeth cutting into her own lip. But she just licked off the blood in relish, extending a slim arm and beckoning to him.

"Who sent you?" Jace thought he probably had a good idea who this person was. Someone who wanted revenge. Who hated him. Sebastian. He glanced around the roof, looking for a weapon or escape route.

"I thought you would have guessed!" Maureen shook her head teasingly and leaned closer. "Sebastian, of course." As soon as the words passed her lips, Jace detected shadows moving along the edge of the dirty rooftop, emerging slowly from the darkness as if they materialized from thin air. Many, many shadowy figures.They surrounded him and Maureen in a large circle, closing in quickly until they were so close he could see their faces clearly in the still-dark sky.

Pale and slim, they moved with grace and purpose. Their eyes were narrowed in hatred of the Shadowhunter in front of them, their lips curled in distaste. Jace recognized a few from his brief encounters with the vampire clan over the years. Before, the clan would not attack Shadowhunters out of the blue, unless their territory was invaded. But they were under new leadership now. Maureen, namely. And she had no problem with these bloodsuckers killing innocent people. She was obviously working for Sebastian, and in turn, the entire clan was now under his command.

Jace tensed, preparing to jump high into the air to escape from the roof. These vampires would easily overpower him, there were dozens of the creatures. But instead of attacking him, they held back. They were reluctant to approach him. Jace's mind reeled with possibilities, the rush of adrenaline pounding through him, the feeling of battle he loved spreading throughout his entire body. The Heavenly fire! Of course, vampires were scared of sunlight, and he was like a human version of the sun. His own body could serve as a formidable weapon.

Jace raised his arms, warding off any attackers. Many cowered, backing away, but Maureen did not filnch. "Do not retreat! Remember, we are immune now!" She leaped at Jace, landing right where he used to be. But Jace had moved, quick as lightning, and had jumped over the entire group, balancing treacherously at the edge of the crumbling building top. Immune? What on earth did she mean by that? Fire was a vampires worst enemy!

But Maureen's words had an instant effect on the group. They followed their leader's example and moved slowly towards Jace. He backed away, preparing to jump safely to the ground. He crouched low and tilted over the edge, ready to leap off lightly then- he stopped himself abruptly. Below him, on the asphalt street, were more vampires. Their faces were cruel and sharp, teeth flashing eerily. Jace looked around him. Vampires in front, behind, to his sides, below. He couldn't even jump over them, there was so many.

The circle parted for Maureen to come through. Though significantly smaller than the figures beside her, she made up for it with the evil glitter in her eyes. When she spoke, her voice was not one of a young girl, but one full of malice and hate.

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