The Unexpected

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     ~Chapter 6~
Liam Wells. That name is stuck in my brain.

      Seventh grade. I was 13 and Liam was my best friend. It feels like I knew him forever.  It was Spring Break, and my family took Liam with us on vacation. We had so much fun he broke his arm. We went home early that year.
     Then when I was diagnosed, he would come and visit almost every day. One day I felt like crap, and Liam came to my door. I opened it and said, "What do you want?"
       "I just came by to see if you were ok," he said.
    "Does it look like I'm ok, Liam? I'm in a tough spot right now. I don't care what the heck you were here for, but if you trying to help don't. If you were my friend, you'd know what's best, and right now that's for you to get out and stay out of my life," I said.
      Before he could say anything I slammed the door on his face. As time progressed on, he stopped coming. I didn't realize how much I hurt him until I cried and called for hours saying how sorry I was. He never talked to me again.
     Then during the first week of eighth grade, was when I took a turn for the worst. I was taken out of school and was in and out of the hospital for the past four years.

      Now Liam sits right in front of me. I would of never guessed it was him. He was the only one who recognized me. I think.

       There was a long pause before he said,
"You remember don't you?"
    "Liam I am-" he cut me off.
       He said, "Four years ago, you were diagnosed with Leukemia. You were taken out of school. Every day I would stop by and see how you were doing. One day you told me to leave you alone, so I did. You called and texted, but I never answered. Then when you got worse, you haven't seen me since. Now I'm sitting in front of you. Then once you realize it's me you try to apologize."
     I was stunned from what he said I felt so ashamed.
     Then he asked, "Your not back at school because your cleared are you?"
      I said, "No," not making eye contact.
    "Well then Ally Mendez, I accept your apology on 1 condition. Ally I'd like to be your friend again," he gestured.
     "Liam, yes you can be my friend again," I said smiling.
     "Well then, we better make the next few months time we will remember," he said.
    I nodded and said, "Listen I can't drive," I chuckled, "how about you come for dinner tonight?"
     "Don't Ally we have plenty of time, I've got to go, I'll see you later," He said.

     I make my way to the parking lot where one of the only cars left is my brother's. I run to it, get in and buckled. Marcus stares at me and says,
     "What took you so long?"
   I looked at the time and it's 3:15.  I say, "I was talking to an old friend."
     "Really? Well let's go, I'm starving. Where do you want to go?" He asked.
     I said, "Marcus I honestly don't care, so you pick."
      Marcus called mom and told her we were going out. Then we ended up at Steak N' Shake. (So typical.) We shared a large fry and got burgers. As we were eating Marcus asked,
        "So who was this old friend you were talking to today?"
      "You won't believe it, it was Liam Wells," I said.
      It took him a minute, then he said,
     "Was he that kid in your grade who came by like everyday?"
      I nodded in response. Then I said, "It was weird though, cause he was the only one who recognized me. I mean I didn't even know who he was."
I ate my last french fry. Then we got the bill and left. When we got home it was around 4. It was hot and the sun wasn't going to set for a while. I grabbed a jacket and rode my bike to the beach. I locked my bike up, and took off my flip flops and just walked with them. I walked for a while along the beach. I walked to my favorite spot and sat and watched the sun set. The sky was a magnificent purple and orange.
Then someone comes and sits by me. It was Carson.
"It's a nice clear night, it's one of the best ones we've had in a while. I'm going to guess your here a lot," he said.
"Well the sunsets aren't as good from a hospital window. I haven't been on this beach doing this in about 4 years," I said.
     I then realized what I said and Carson was giving me a blank look. Then I say, "So what were you doing here?"
      "Well actually my family is having a bonfire here. Then I saw you walking alone and chased after you. Now that you mention it, would you like to join us?" Carson asks.
     I didn't know what to say. I guess I was flattered, but afraid because I barely know him, and now he wants me to meet his parents? I just feel a little out of place, so I said, "Carson, I love the offer but I can't right now. I don't know why but it doesn't feel right. I'm sorry."
      I could tell he was upset that I wasn't going with him.
      He said, "Well at least let me take you back to get a pen."
      He was giving me his number. I agreed, and we got a pen. He wrote it down on my hand, and I did the same with mine.
     "Now we can keep in touch," he said.
     Now what have I gotten myself into? I'm supposed to die, I can't let him do this.

     I walked back home, and by that time it was around 7:30. I sat on the couch, and put his number in my contacts.
     I went to my room and sat on the chair on my balcony. I looked out and I could see the orange and yellow glow from Carson's bonfire. I cuddled up in a blanket and stared at the stars in the sky. One for every extra breath I've been given.

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