The Physical and Mental Changes

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~Chapter 13~
It's becoming more obvious that I'm sick. I'm always tired, which was never like me. I'm always coughing and sometimes I lose my balance. The headaches are becoming worse and more often. Then my skin color gets a little lighter each day. The life is being sucked out of me, little by little.
Today I'm supposed to meet Carson at the beach. It's still cold out, but it's worth it.
I saw him sitting on the sand staring out towards the water. I sat down next to him.
It's been about a week since I've seen Carson. I just been too sick this week. Same with Liam. The last time I saw them was Christmas Day, now it's January first.
"Ally what's wrong with you?" Carson asked.
"What do you mean?" I said back.
"I can tell something is up. How sick were you really this past week?" Carson asked.
I never told him.
"Carson I'm still sick. I will be for the next couple of weeks." I said, "I have Leukemia. I was diagnosed when I was 13, five years ago. Just a few months ago they sent me home, because there was nothing else they could do. They gave me 6 months. My deadline is coming. Back in September, asked to go back to school and that's how we met."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"Carson when I came home, I had no intention of a relationship, knowing I wasn't going to live past 18. Then you showed me otherwise. Then after the whole Liam ordeal, I knew you'd be so upset if we were still together.
"Does Liam know?"
"He only knows because we went to school together and he'd come visit everyday after school until I messed things up." I said ashamed.
"At least I know now, thanks Ally," Carson said.
His voice was calm and collected. He wasn't mad, maybe a little upset knowing his best friend was going to die.
When I got home there was a package at the door. It had my name on it. I opened it up and 3 tickets laid at the bottom. I was so happy they came in time. The game was tonight. I called Liam.
"Hey Liam remember Christmas?"
"Yes, why?"
"Well your guys gift came in, meet me at my house in twenty minutes."
"Ok, later."
Then I hung up and called Carson.
"Hey meet me at my house in twenty minutes."
I hung up again. Then I changed into jeans, and a T-shirt. I threw my red hair up into a ponytail and grabbed a headband. I threw on some makeup, and laced up my tennis shoes.
I grabbed a purse to put the tickets, money, and my phone in.
I ran downstairs and just paced for like five minutes before the doorbell rang. I opened it up and Liam stood there in jeans and his Cavs jersey. Then a few minutes later Carson was here in his Golden State jersey.
"Ok guys, let's go I'm driving," I said.

We arrive a half an hour early to get in line and find our seats. I sit right between the two, just to help settle arguments between the two. I mean they are for the opposite teams.
I got seats that weren't all the way on top, but not the most expensive ones either.
We found are seats. Then we went down to concessions. I got a water, and of course the boys pigged out.
We went and sat down, watching the teams warm up.
It was halftime and Golden State was up by 2. It was a close game I guess. I just came to be with my best friends. Then when I thought everything was going to be alright....I spoke too soon.
"You know Curry has got a lot of problems on the court," Carson said.
"Oh really, your just saying that because Curry is showing up on LeBron," Liam said back.
"Well you know LeBron is better than Curry," smacked Carson.
"Really? I didn't notice I'm too busy laughing at LeBron because he can't stop Curry," Liam said smirking.
"Stop it! Both of you!" I said firmly. Then I got up and walked outside. I needed a minute to cool off.
I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around. Liam stood there.
"You know the game is still going on," I said.
"I don't care about the game right now," Said Liam.
"Well back there it definitely sounded like it," I said.
Liam spoke, "Ally I'm sorry I guess I got up in the game."
"And I was in the middle of it," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "You don't get it do you? I can't be in a relationship right now, especially not with people who are still jealous and fighting over me. I sat in the middle to try and keep this conversation from happening."
Then Carson walks out.
"Just go finish your game, both of you, I'll go find the car," I made clear.
I know they heard me out, because I could see them walk back in. I don't know nor care what happened after that. It was supposed to be fun. I really tried. I should of figured that bringing two guys that had feelings for me wasn't the best idea. It obviously blew up in my face.
I found the car, and got in. I didn't put the keys in, I just sat in the driver's seat and cried. I barely banged my head on the wheel saying I messed up.
Then I could see a crowd coming from the stadium, so I picked myself up and wiped away my tears. I wasn't going to let the guys see me like I was.
The boys finally got to the car without saying a word. They just got in and I pulled out.
None of us said anything on the way back to my house. When we pulled in the driveway, I got my things and started to walk inside when Liam said something.
"Ally we are really sorry about tonight. It was supposed to be fun, and we made it a disaster," said Liam.
Carson nodded in agreement.
I turned to them and said, "Well then I'm glad you boys finally agree on something." Then I turned and walked away. They didn't say anything after that, and I knew they wouldn't.
I was so upset with them right now. They had to wreck it they just had to! Ugh why can't they just get along and be normal boys.
Trying to look happy I went inside, because I didn't want to talk about it. I yelled "I'm home" then went to my room. I had an idea. I grabbed a pen and two pieces of paper. I wrote a letter to each of them, then I sealed the envelopes tight.
Then I went across the hall and knocked on the door. Marcus opened the door and gestured me to come in.
"So how was the game tonight?" He asked.
"Well it was definitely something," I said trying not to make a big deal.
"Uh oh what happened?" Marcus asked knowing something was wrong.
I sat down next to him on his bed and said, "Liam and Carson had an argument at halftime."
"About what?" He questioned now wondering what happened.
"First they went off smack talking about the game....I kinda blew up and walked out. I was so mad. I knew they only fought because of me. I knew they both still had feelings for me and I tried to put that aside," I said.
Marcus nodded and then hugged me. "Best brother ever" I thought. Then he pointed at the letters in my hand.
"Can you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Haven't I already told you I'd do anything for you," he asked smiling.
"I know this is a lot, but once I'm gone can you give these to Liam and Carson. And tell them that they'll know when the right time is to open them?" I asked calmly.
"Yes, but why?"
"Because things need to be fixed.....and I can't be here for that to happen."

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