Surprises at Sunset

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~Chapter 8~
"Dinner is good mom," I said.
"Yea mom," said Marcus shoving another bite in his mouth.
"Well, thank you guys!" Mom said excitedly.
Dad said,"Well that's very nice of you guys to say."
I wasn't just exaggerating. Mom had always been a good cook. Her chicken was definitely the best, though. Everyone probably could of cleaned the plates with their tongues. Mom even cleared her own plate. Since Mom spent hours preparing dinner, I said I'd clear the table tonight.
Mom had her plate in her hand when I said, "No Mom the least I can do is take the dishes in."
Mom,surprised, said, "Ok thank you, honey."
It felt good doing something good for her. I mean she was my mom. She deserved the appreciation. After clearing the table, my head started to hurt. I thought of it as some kind of excruciating headache, so I took some Advil and ignored it. Then I went upstairs and started to clean my room, and I started to sweat and burn up really bad. Then all of the sudden I felt really weak. I was able to yell, "Marcus, help me!" Then I fainted, and blacked out.
I swear I could hear voices while I was out, but I doubt it.
When I woke up, my head was throbbing, probably from hitting my head when I fell. Mom, Dad, Marcus, and a nurse were around me. "What happened?" I asked.
"You fainted, and I heard you call my name. So I ran to go see what was wrong and I found you lying on the ground. So I called Mom and she called 911," Marcus said.
"The doctor said that you had a 104 temperature, so they were glad you came in," said Mom.
"Oh good, she's awake," an unfamiliar voice said.
A man maybe in his mid-thirties stood aside my hospital bed. He wore a white long coat that looked like a lab coat. His face was oval like, and he wore thin-framed glasses. I glimpsed at his name tag, "Mr. Peterson," I said hoarsely.
He nodded "yes" in response. Then he said, "Now that your awake, we'd like to get you a CT scan."
I asked, "Why?"
"Well,Ally, there are things going on with your body that we can't see right now, so hopefully we can get you home as soon as possible," he said. His face looked concerned.
I wasn't really afraid until I saw the look in his eyes. I could tell there was something he wasn't telling me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.
After a couple more hours, they said I had to stay overnight. Ugh, can't I just go home already? How many more needles and painkillers do I need?

My mom had stayed with me overnight. I woke up around 7:30. Mom was still asleep. Then the doctor walked in (not knowing Mom was still asleep). I don't know how, but somehow he woke her up. Dr. Peterson walked up to my mother and said, "Mrs. Mendez? Sorry to wake you, but we got the results back. I'd like to step out for minute with you if that's ok."
She nodded and followed him right outside my room. There were windows so I could see, but they must of been soundproof. I could tell he was talking, and it was something he said. I could tell. Mom's eyes started to water, and she burst out crying.
That's when I got really scared, because my mom never ever cries. At least not in front of me. After a couple minutes she calmed down a little and looked at me. I saw the fear, disbelief, and sadness in her eyes. She cried so hard that her eyes were red and puffy. I was going to guess she cried so loud that she made the hospital shake.
Then they walked back in. My mom ran over and hugged me. At the same time my brother and dad walked in to crying Mom hugging me, with a terrified look on my face.
"Mom," I said, "What's going on? What did he say?" My voice was shaking.
All my mom said was, "Your going to be ok, Ally your going to get better and be ok."
Then my mom took my confused brother and dad outside. I could tell she started crying again because covered her face in her hands. Then when she got herself together, she started saying what the doctor had said.
Marcus just stood there, I could tell his eyes were watering as he looked into mine. Then Dad hugged Mom for a long time. I noticed that Marcus, still with my attention, started mouthing words to me. The first time he said it, I knew exactly what he said, "I'm sorry Ally."

Then my mom came back in and sat on my bed.
She said, "Ally honey, I'm going to be honest with you. What the doctor said was, you have Leukemia."
Then she burst into tears again and hugged me.
I didn't say anything. I just stared into Marcus' eyes as he walked in. I sat there and hugged Mom. Then I found the words to say, "Mom, I'm going to die won't I?"
"Ally right now you're going to be ok, you're going to be ok," she said.
I could feel tears in my eyes now. I knew that I had to be strong when others can't right now.
Then I felt weird. I lost all control, and of my surroundings, but I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably. It was a seizure. I then blacked out again.
"No!" I screamed. I was crying now. I probably woke up the neighbors. Then Marcus ran into my room.
He asked frantically, "Ally are you ok?"
I was breathing deeply and wiping the tears from my eyes. "Marcus, it all keeps coming back. All these nightmares....I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry I woke you up," I said sobbing again.
Marcus sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and hugged me.
"Ally you're ok now. It was just a nightmare. How about I go downstairs and get you some water?" He asked.
I nodded, but I headed with downstairs with him. Marcus got us each a glass with ice, and we sat down.
"Thanks," I said, "I needed that."
"Ally you're my little sister I'd do anything for you. Now that you've calmed down, would you like to talk about it?" He asked.
I shook my head "no". My head already hurt from crying I didn't need to relive the past again. He saw the look in my eye, and knew exactly what I wanted.
He motioned with his hand to follow him. I did and we sat down on the couch. He turned on the tv to Netflix. Then he got up and grabbed me a blanket. I sat right next to him and laid my head on his shoulder.
He turned on some show that I didn't care about so I could try and fall asleep. I curled up under the blanket, and closed my eyes. I was able to fall asleep again, this time without reliving my past.

I woke up feeling groggy and tired. I guess I would be since I woke up at 2am this morning. I looked over and Marcus was still sleeping, so I carefully got up and went to the kitchen. Mom was up and she had bacon frying and eggs on the stove.
"Good afternoon sleepy head," Mom whispered, "Is Marcus still asleep?"
"Yes," I said. Then I looked at the clock. It was 12:30! I slept that long! Wow. Never in my life have I done that.
"So do you want to tell me what happened last night?" Mom asked.
"It's complicated," I said. My mom backed off after that. She knew when I said something like that, it normally meant conversation over. I'm glad we had that figured out.
"Oh and I almost forgot, Carson called about an hour ago and was asking for you. You better get back to him," Mom said.
I didn't say anything. I was too focused on the eggs and bacon to reply. I literally think I was drooling, because I was so hungry. Mom placed a plate in front of me, and I felt like a pig scarfing it all down.
Then Marcus woke up. He looked worse than I did. His black hair was a mess. His eyes looked like they were swollen shut. He came and sat down at the table only in his basketball shorts. Mom gave him a plate too.
"Thanks Mom," he said in a tired slow voice.
I didn't say anything because I was stuffing my face full. Then when I went to take my plate up, Marcus said, "No I've got it," grabbing my plate.
"Thanks," I said.
"Well you are my sister," he said.
I went upstairs and grabbed my phone. I sat down on my bed and typed in Carson's number. The phone rang and then he picked up.
"Hey it's Ally."
"I know, just trying to be friendly."
"So my mom said you had called, and wanted to talk to me?"
"Yea actually......I was wondering if you could meet me outside?"
"Yea what for?"
"Just come outside."
"Ok, bye"
Carson ended the call. I threw on something besides my pjs, combed my hair and threw it up. Since he said right outside, I didn't bother putting shoes on.
I stepped outside, and there he was. He was wearing a muscle tank with shorts and flip flops with a jacket.
"Good your ready," he said.
I looked at him like he was crazy. I wasn't ready to go anywhere but right outside my house. I mean I wasn't as bad as before I changed.
"Ready for what?" I asked.
"We are going to go walk," he said.
Walk? Ok I guess. I walked towards him. I looked back and saw Mom standing at the door and waving. She knew about this. Ugh why am I always the last to know.
We walked to the beach. Then we walked along the shore, and stuck our toes in the sand. We spent a few hours there, and then he took me for ice cream. We sat down and tried to lick the whole cone before the sun got to it. I got Mint Chocolate Chip, and I honestly had no clue what Carson got.
We did other stuff until we could see the sun start to set behind the horizon. Then he almost dragged me to my favorite spot on the beach. Where a picnic blanket sat, with candles, and a basket of food.
"Oh my gosh, Carson!" I said excitedly, "This is amazing!"
He blushed and we sat down. There was fruit, water, chips, and sandwiches. This was definitely a surprise. Thank God for Carson, otherwise I probably would of starved.
I laid down on my back with my hands behind my head. I faced the sky, and watched
the bright orange and yellows disappearing behind the horizon. The stars started to become clearer as the sky became its black back round.
Carson laid down right next to me and asked, "How many people do you think there are in the world?"
"Umm....A couple billion I'm guessing," I said confused.
"How many hopes and dreams do you think one person has?" Carson asked, now looking at me.
"I don't know, maybe a few," I said.
"Well I think of the them," he said now looking at the stars, "As one representing one hope or dream. And a cluster make up one or maybe a few people with the same dream." He pointed at the brightest star we could see and said, "That's yours." He looked at me and smiled.
"How do you know?" I said.
Carson replied, "Well Ally your different than all the other girls I've met. Your brighter, bolder, and your someone I like to be around. That's why you get to be the most outstanding star in the sky."
Then we were face to face. Our eyes met, and I could see the expression in his eyes. I could tell he loved me, that he wanted to be with me. Then our lips met. We kissed for a little bit. Then after it I said, "I'm not just any star in the sky, Carson....I'm your star."

Sorry this chapter was a longer one, but I had to get everything in it. I just hope you r able to set that aside and enjoy reading just as I did writing. Keep your eye out for chapter 9! I try to post often! :)

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