Who Am I?

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~Chapter 10~
Another week has gone by, and I try not to think about what I did to Carson. I feel worse and worse as the days turn into weeks. I'm starting to worry about Carson. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. I grabbed my phone and called Liam.
"Liam I need help." I was crying.
"Ally are you ok?"
"No I'm not. Liam I have feelings for you too, but I can't just fake a relationship with Carson anymore. But I can't just tell him, he'll be crushed."
"Ally I'm so sorry. If I would of never kissed you in the first place, you wouldn't be in this situation."
"Liam stop blaming yourself. If you hadn't kissed me than I would of never had the feelings I do now. The ones that are real. I should of never called you for help. I'm sorry for bothering you."
Then I hung up. I felt bad about hanging up, but I couldn't leave Liam feeling guilty. He tried to to call back another 2 times, but I didn't answer them. Same thing when Carson called. I needed to be alone. I was already dressed, so I slipped on my coat and left towards the beach. I ran to the ledge on the beach. I climbed the rocks and walked to the edge. I sat down and cried.
"I thought I might find you here," a voice behind me said.
"Leave me alone, please, that's all I want," I said still sobbing.
"Ally, what's wrong?" The voice said.
It was Carson. Great now what am I supposed to do?
"What's wrong is me. Carson after I say this you probably would of wished you had left when I told you to. I kissed Liam. Well he kissed me first not knowing that I was with you, but I didn't stop it right from the beginning. Then I kissed him at the hospital. I'm so sorry, Carson," I said crying even harder now.
Carson didn't say anything he just sat next to me and hugged me.
"Wait so your not mad?" I asked still crying.
"Ally I'm just glad you had the courage to tell me. Honestly if you have feelings for someone else, go be with them. It's not right to be with someone you don't love from a forced relationship," Carson said.
I could tell he was sad and upset by the tone in his voice.
"Carson, when we first met I had feelings for you. Then after Liam kissed me, I realized what I had for him too. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be with a girl like me," I said ashamed.
"I forgive you, Ally, and all I want is for you to be happy. So if that means us being just friends, I'll be ok, alright?" Carson said in a calm tone.
I cried and hugged Carson for a while. Then I said, "Well if we are friends, then you the best friend I could ever have, thank you, Carson."
We sat there and watched the sunset, then Carson walked me home.

I told Liam the next day that I couldn't handle a boyfriend right now. Whether it was him or Carson. We were all just friends.
At first Liam and Carson were a little stubborn with each other, but who could blame them? Now I feel like one happy family. Which is good enough for me.

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