Where do I go from Here?

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~Chapter 11~
Christmas Eve is tonight. It's been snowing really hard, so we will definitely have a White Christmas.
A couple weeks ago I went Christmas shopping. I had to get something for everyone even Carson and Liam. I had gotten a lot of money from chores and my birthday so I saved it all, and put it towards the gifts.
Some things were harder to figure out than others. I got Mom a jeweled bracelet. Dad I just gave him money, same with Marcus.
When it came to Liam and Carson I had to think. I had to get them something. I thought that whatever I got each of them, it had to be something that defined them.
I was sitting on one side of the couch, and my dad and brother were on the other side. They were watching some sports game on TV. That's when I got the idea. I grabbed the laptop, and started typing away.
My brother noticed my frantic fingers and asked chuckling, "Ally what's so important that you make the muscles in your fingers tire out?"
"Last minute Christmas gifts," I said now searching the websites.
After a few minutes, I found what I was looking for. I filled out the check out forms. But before I submitted them, I called Carson then Liam.
"Hey I have a question."
"What's your favorite NBA team?"
"Umm Golden State, why?"
"Oh no reason, I have to go, bye." Then I hung up.
Then I called Liam.
"Hey Ally is everything ok?"
"Yea, but I have a question."
"Well maybe I have an answer."
"What's your favorite NBA team?"
"Cleveland Cavs, duh."
"How was I supposed to know?"
"I was just playing with ya."
"Ok well I have to go."
"Ok bye."
Then I tried to do some more research. I finally found a game that was in a few weeks. The Warriors vs. the Cavaliers in California.
"I'm going to guess you found what you were looking for," Marcus asked.
"Yea actually I did," I said.
Marcus moved next to me to get a look at the screen.
"Cleveland Cavaliers tickets?!?!" Who would buy those? Everyone knows that Golden State is the best!" Marcus explained.
"Well they aren't for me, like I know anything about sports," I laughed.
"Ya that's true," Marcus laughed back. We just laughed for a little bit. Then after I got myself back together, I ordered three tickets for the game. They were supposed to be here within the next few days. I just had bad planning skills.
That night I helped Mom make cookies for tonight. We had gotten the tree finished yesterday. I guess we are just last minute people.
Then, while eating popcorn, we watched a Christmas movie. I had no clue of the name, but we watched it as a family. I sat in between Marcus and Mom. I felt so relaxed and relieved that the gifts were bought. The only thing I had to wrap was the bracelet for Mom. I just stuck the money in Dad's and Marcus stockings. I'm so lazy.
We sat and watched the rest of the movie together till like midnight. Then Mom pushed us off to bed.
I got to the stairs first, and Marcus was right behind me. I was so tired I missed a step and almost toppled backwards.
"Ally! Are you ok?" Marcus asked his hand on my shoulder.
"Yea I'm fine, thanks Marcus," I said smiling.
He smiled back at me. I kept climbing the steps, now being more careful. Marcus stayed even closer behind me now. Just in case.
I made my way to my room. I took off my shirt, leaving my tank top. Then I changed into long comfy pants. Then Marcus walked in.
I had finished just in time. I just slopped down on my bed, feeling so weak and tired after today.
"I can tell your getting weaker," he said as he sat down on my bed next to me.
"It's that obvious?" I asked.
"You just start barely noticing it," he replied, "but I'm an observant person."
"I'm just always tired now, and as you can tell I'm not really strong at anything anymore," I said, "Do you think Mom has noticed?"
"Ally Mom knows all," he said quietly laughing.
I smiled. He put his arm around me and said, "I only notice cause I'm your big brother. I'm here to be looking out for you. So as long as you are here with me, I'll be there for you."
I felt like I was going to cry at that moment. Marcus and I had a special connection or bond that no one was going to break....not even when I was going to be looking at him from above.

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