Christmas Morning

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~Chapter 12~
I slept really good last night. I remembered the conversation I had with Marcus before bed. I'm glad he confronted me.
When you get older you don't wake up at 2 in the morning anymore for holidays to go peek at your presents early. Which I guess for me I'll do anyway. Since I'm always tired, I'd figure I would sleep in anyway.
I got up around nine this morning, and slowly walked down the stairs. Mom, Dad, and Marcus were already sitting on the couch waiting for me.
"Good morning, sleepy head," Mom said smiling.
"How long have you guys been waiting?" I asked still groggy.
"Only a few minutes," said Marcus smiling.
I walked up and took a seat next him. Still in what I slept in last night obviously.
"Ally why don't you go first?" Mom suggested.
She handed me this red wrapped square box with a tight bow on top. I tried taking off the bow, but it was on there too tight.
Marcus took it from me, and took off the bow himself. He handed it back, winked at me.
I opened it to a white box, and inside was a pair ok teal Beats. The best headphones ever, and probably the most expensive! I kissed Mom as a way of saying thanks.
"Actually your brother got those for you," Mom said blushing.
Now I felt really bad. I got him money and he got me Beats! Plus I gave appreciation to the wrong person. Ugh what's wrong with me?
"Oh.....thank you Marcus," I said as I hugged him.
"Your welcome," he said.
Marcus was next and Mom and Dad got him a drum set. Thank goodness I won't have to hear that for long. Then when he started playing he wasn't half bad, he was actually pretty good. I changed my mind, I'm going to miss that.
We opened the rest of the gifts, had hot chocolate, then Mom made this big breakfast.
Ding dong, ding dong went the doorbell.
I got up to go get the door. I unlocked it and when I opened it I was surprised.
"Carson? Liam? What are you guys doing here?" I asked smiling but confused.
"Your mom invited us over," Liam said.
I turned around and looked at Mom. She looked at me smiling.
"Come on in boys," yelled Mom from the kitchen.
I was still in my pjs. Really, Ally really? Oh well they are like family to me so they won't mind.
Liam and Carson walked in each with a gift in their hand. They handed both to me.
"We had to get you something it is Christmas isn't it?" Carson said.
I opened the smaller box first. There was only a letter folded up. I read it and my eyes started to water. It was from the driving company saying I could take my driver's test today! It was from Liam. I hugged him and almost started crying.
Then I opened Carson's. It was a silver bracelet with all these different charms going back to when we first met. I hugged him for just as long.
Dad spoke up, "Oh yea I almost forgot."
He handed me keys. I ran to the window and looked outside. A car in a big red bow sat in the driveway and it was mine. Something I never thought I would get to do is now in my hands.
I ran to my room and changed into something presentable. I came back down and waved for Liam and Carson to come and sit down at the table. Breakfast was ready. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, pancakes, all sat on the table. I could tell ALL the boy's mouths were watering with delight.
I grabbed some of everything and scarfed it down. So did Marcus. He went upstairs and put a shirt on and grabbed his keys. We got in the car and he drove me to take my test.
My dad had always taught me in the hospital about driving even when I was let go. I had it in the bag.
We got there, I took the test. I passed. I got my drivers license! Now I could drive where I wanted. I didn't have to drag Marcus along to take me where I wanted. (Even though he would).
On the way home, Marcus let me drive. I obviously wasn't a master at it but we made it home in one piece. I gave
Marcus a high five. I was glad I was given this opportunity.
I will say that this was the best Christmas I had ever had.

Hey guys I'm just letting you know that the next chapter is the brightest one. Just keep reading though thanks

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