Chapter 11: Hosts or Waiters?

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"Why don't Sakura-chan, Itachi-senpai, Kisame-senpai and bun-haired-girl-senpai practice being a guy today and tomorrow?" Tobi asked jumping around in happiness. "Hn." Itachi said. "That's reasonab--wait what?!" Tenten asked, looking at Tobi with wide eyes. "Give us all you've got!" Sakura said, determined.

"You'll f**king regret saying that later, cherry." Hidan said smirking. "Specially if Uchiha is your mentor, un." Deidara said, smirking as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"I don't think I need to tutor my partner." Kisame said, grinning, earning himself a hit over the head by Tenten. "You do realize that you just called her a tomboy, don't you?" Konan said, raising an eyebrow at Kisame. Kisame rubbed his head in pain. "That settles it then! Shizune and I will buy the things we need!" Tsunade said, dragging Shizune off.

A few minutes later, Tsunade and Shizune returned with tons of gel and two tuxidos. Tuanade, Temari, Ino, and Karin had evil glints in their eyes, scaring the guys sh**less as they pulled Sakura and Tenten into one of the rooms.

A few hours later, Sakura and Tenten came out looking nothing like a girl. Deidara whistled and smirked. "Nice job, un." He said, giving them a thumbs up.

"Come with us." Pein said, standing up. "Where to?" Tenten asked. "To our restaurant." Sasori said. "We are currently having a girl customers only." Kakuzu said. Both Tenten and Sakura sweat dropped and thought of the same thing. 'Who the hell does that?'

"You have to be able to get requested by at least five girls without them noticing your gender." Sasori said. Tenten and Sakura looked at them weirdly. 'We're going to die.' They both thought, twitching. The walked out of the cafe and entered a van.

A few minutes of driving later they arrived in the restaurant. Tenten and Sakura looked around only to see everything in white, red and black. "The restaurant opens in thrity minutes, un." Deidara said. "You have time to get ready so spend it wisely." Sasori said as he went to the staff's room.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Tenten said sweat dropping. Sakura simply nodded in agreement. Half an hour later, Tobi flipped the sign. Almost immediately, girls came rushing in.

"It doesn't feel like a restaurant at all." Sakura mumbled as she watched Itachi and Sasori make girls squeal. "Where's Konan-san?" Tenten asked. "She's on kitchen duty." Sakura said.

Someone accidentally bumped Sakura then she heard a thud. She almost ignored and take a turn until she saw Itachi giving her the help-her-up-stare. She pouted as she looked down and saw a normal brown haired lady with her things scattered. Sakura knelt down infront of her in a 'manly' way.

She gave her a gentle smile and offered her a hand. Sakura looked at the lady only to see her blushing as she accepted her hand. "Th-thank you." The lady said. "My pleasure, ma'am." Sakura said.

"U-um...would you mind if you entertain me?" The lady said. Sakura brightened at this. "Not at all." She said as they walked away.

"Wait, did Sakura just leave me?" Tenten asked herself dumb founded. "She just did. Now go find yourself a customer." Kisame said, grinning as he shooed her away. Tenten pouted and walked away.

"I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, un." Deidara said as he suddenly grabbed Tenten. "This is Tsuyoshi, un." Deidara said. "A pleasure to meet you Tsuyoshi." The customer said, smiling. "It's a pleasure meeting you." Tsuyoshi...or shall I say Tenten smiled and bowed.

'Is it just me or are we starting to seem like hosts here?' Both Tenten and Sakura thought, trying not to twitch infront of their customer.

To Be Continued...

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