The Guessing Game: Part 3

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  • Dedicated to My bestest friend ever Olivia, even though we aren't very close anymore ;(

Louis POV

I woke up in a hospital. Anna was in a bed right next to me. The other boys were sitting in chairs talking quietly.

"Go home and get some sleep everyone. I'll stay here." said Niall

"But-" Started Katie.

"Seriously. We have been here for two days already. If anything happens I will call you guys." he told them.

They gave up and left. I stayed quiet for a minute; right as I was going to sit up Niall came over to Anna's bed and took her hand.

"Anna, I know you probably can't hear me but, I love you. I love you so much Anna." He wiped a tear away from his eye. "All I want to do is hear your voice one more time. Come on Anna, you can make it through. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me." He looked hopefully into her eyes. A minute passed and nothing happened.

I sat up. "You really like her, huh?" I asked Niall.

He jumped. "You heard me?" He asked. I nodded.

"I-I'm so sorry! I tried so hard not to like her, but there is just something about her..." He trailed off.

"It's alright Niall. I truly believe you love her. I have never seen you hurt anyone. If Anna ever-" I caught myself. I said if. "When Anna wakes up I hope she likes you just as much." I corrected myself.

"Does that mean?" He asked hopefully.

I chuckled. "Yes Niall, you have my blessing."

He came over to me and gave me the best kind of hug he could give me since I was in bed.

"So how did we end up here? How serious is Anna?" I bombarded him with questions.

"The roof fell on your two. The rest of us were okay. You both were in a coma but Anna's was more serious, they say she may never wake up." He looked really sad.

"I really hope she wakes up." I say.

"Me too, me too." He trailed off.

"Well I'll go get the doctor." He said. "Since one of the patients is up!" He said, trying to be cheerful.


Niall came back with the doctor.

"How is our Jane Doe?" He asked after he did a check up on me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"They can't find Anna's name in the system. We think her parents unclaimed her, and took away the name." He replied.

I thought for a minute. "Well Doctor, this is my twin that I recently was reunited with. I think that it is about time we change her last name to Tomlinson." I said.


Were you guys trying to wonder what the title meant? Well it had two different meanings! One was guessing like Anna and who Anna liked. The other meaning was her name not being in the system. You guys like Nanna or Aiall better? They both sound weirdddd. Anyway, who thinks Anna will make it? I won't say yet though. What do you guys think? Hmm? (;

One vote or 2 comments for update? Yeah? Can I get at least one vote? :)

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