The Date

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Around five pm Niall and I left the hotel. We went to the closest pizza shop and sat down. We ordered an extra large supreme pizza.

Heck to the yeah.

We had a great time blowing our straw wrapper at each other and making other people angry. I could care less of what they thought. I was having the time of my life.

After dinner he took me to the boardwalk. It was so pretty at night. We we holding hands walking down the board walk. It was all lit up with carnival games and rides.

We were walking around, doing nothing in particual.

We walked past a booth and my eyes landed on a huge (stuffed of course) dolphin. I squealed.

"Niall! NIALL!" I screamed.

"Yes, love?" He asked.

"I want that dolphin!" I screamed.

So of course he paid to get it for me.

The funny thing was though, after three tried he still hadn't hit the bottles down. I laughed as he paid again.

After four more tries he sighed. I grabbed the ball from him and threw it. Bullseye.

"What? How?" He asked.

"I was only the best softball pitcher back in middle school." I smirked and twirled my hair.

"And you didn't tell me?" He asked.

"Nope." I said popping the P.

I grabbed my dolphin and ran as fast as I could.

"ANNA! WAIT UP!" Niall yelled after me.

I laughed and ran faster.

After about two minutes of running I slow down and look around.

I couldn't see Niall anywhere. I slowly walked back towards the main part of the carnival.

"Niall?" I callled out.

I searched for him for five minutes after that I sat down on a bench on the verge of tears.

I looked at my phone for the thousanth time. Still no signal.

I decided it would be safe to walk to where there was signal.

I walked out the main entrance of the carnival. After about 20 minutes of walking I was lost. I looked at my signal. I finally found one bar. I quickly dialed Niall's number.

"Please pick up. Please pick up." I chanted under my breath.

"Aye, Anna is that you?" He asked through the phone.

YES! "Yes, Niall! I am so sorry I ruined our date I didn't know what I was doing. I am so sorry!" I sobbed into the phone.

"Love, calm down. Seriously. I'll come get you I'm in my car. Where are you?" he asked.

I looked around at the road signs.

"On the corner by Charles and Bravo." I said. "I'm sitting on a bench." I told him.

He checked his GPS. "Looks like you got pretty far. I will see you in twenty minutes, okay love? Stay right there-"

Then it cut off. Damnit. My mobile died. I guess I will just have to sit and wait.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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