Cloud Recesses

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A/N - Over 3k reads and 200+ Votes 🎉🎉
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Shout out to my readers who gave been follot this fic from the start - MegumiCha, AyamiNyx, Rosered
And my new enthusiastic readers commenting and voting on each chapter 😍- SilentDana, YaDaNaOo, SkyL17, Aurifixx, Blablablaextra
Thank you so much each and everyone 🙏🎉💕
I request the silent readers to also vote on the chapters so that the story would reach wider audience!!!
On with the story ..


Yuemei had always known that the Twin Jades of Gusu were breathtaking. The stories spoke of their elegance, of their unmatched grace and talent, of how they seemed to embody the very ideals the Lan Sect held dear. But stories did little justice to reality.

For a second—perhaps a heartbeat too long—she found herself staring.

Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji stood at the entrance of the Cloud Recesses, their white robes as pristine as freshly fallen snow, their jade-like countenances illuminated by the soft morning light. If there ever existed cultivators who could be called ethereal, it was them. Yuemei was certain that poets and scholars could spend lifetimes trying to capture their beauty and still fail.

She tore her gaze away, just in time to see the Jiang siblings stepping forward to offer their greetings. Wei Wuxian, standing beside her, gave a small nod before making his way toward the front as well. Yuemei hesitated for a moment, shifting her focus to Lan Wangji.

It was subtle—so subtle that if she hadn’t been looking for it, she might have missed it—but there was a flicker in his usually impassive eyes as he regarded Wuxian. A fleeting moment, an almost imperceptible shift.

Ah. So it really was love at first sight for the Second Jade of Gusu.

She barely held back a knowing smile. This wasn’t the first time Wuxian and Wangji were meeting—not according to the book, at least. In the original story, their first encounter had taken place on a rooftop under the cover of night, when Wuxian had returned from town after stirring up trouble. That had been a confrontation, a clash of ideals from the very start. And yet, even then, Lan Wangji had never truly been able to escape the enigma that was Wei Wuxian.

This time, things were different.

Yuemei watched as Wuxian gave his usual charming bow, his smile playful yet respectful. Wangji responded with a curt nod, his expression unreadable, but Yuemei knew better.

She was going to make sure that the Second Young Master Lan would not spend years silently pining, too bound by rules to act upon his feelings. And more importantly, she would make sure that Wei Wuxian—oblivious, reckless, brilliant Wei Wuxian—would not be blind to the signs right in front of him.

Her gaze flickered to Lan Xichen, who, she realized, was also watching his younger brother.


So he noticed it too.

Now that was interesting.

Perhaps she could find an ally in him. The thought amused her greatly. Wouldn’t it be poetic if Lan Wangji’s own brother assisted in pushing him toward Wuxian? It was certainly something to consider.

However, Yuemei’s musings were swiftly cut short when Lan Xichen’s gaze shifted to her.

There was recognition in his eyes. Of course.

Yuemei was not an unknown name in the cultivation world. At the last conference, she had faced Lan Xichen in a spar and lost. It was no surprise that he remembered her. What was uncertain, however, was the nature of their relationship.

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