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Cas stared at his map of the humongous university campus. It seemed like high school was a closet compared to this. He found his dorm area on the paper and then began to trudge with his luggage. 10 minutes and a lot of sweat later, he found his dorm building. He had gotten the keys from his pocket and looked at the numbers, "406" it read. He sighed and adjusted his ray bans, knowing that he'd have to walk up three flights of stairs.
One tired Castiel later, he made it to the fourth floor. He adjusted his glasses and sighed,"Thank God". He rolled his luggage up to the door and parked it. Then he took the keys and slammed em in the door. Turning and twisting, he unlocked the door and opened it. Cas pulled his luggage into the room and shut the door. It smelt of fresh paint and looked a little dusty. He stuck in the little closet area for a minute more and then walked with his luggage to the main room, where two twin beds, two desks, two dressers, and a counter with a sink and microwave were all neatly kept. His roomate had already put their stamp on it by leaving posters on the wall and a stereo on their desk. Cas never liked the whole decorating thing. Instead he took his pride in books. He decided to bring a duffelbag of books with him so he'd still have his little collection.
A good half hour later, he put everything in place. His sheets and blankets were nice on his bed. His books, hidden under the bed, and all his pens and paper were settled on the desk. He judged on whether to take a quick shower or take a nap.
As soon as he made up his mind, he grabbed a towel,shampoo, soap, took off his glasses, walked in the bathroom, and started up the shower. Cas let the sweat drip off his body and lathered himself in minty soap and shampoo.
After he felt clean enough, he turned off the shower, put on his glasses, and wrapped a towel over his lower half. He walked out the bathroom to be greeted by no other than his highschool enemy. "W-what are you doing here?" Cas asked in a shy, but angered tone. "Oh great, we're roomies" The tall, muscular, blonde sarcastically spoke. "Please tell me this a dream" Castiel whined. "If it was Cassy, it'd be a nightmare" He snarled. The two boys stood in front of each other looking like two inmates about to kill each other.
"Who accepted you into this place anyway? We both know you aren't that smart" Cas retorted. "I don't know how a loser like you will even survive here" The blonde insulted. "Whatever" Cas shrugged. "At least I won't end up in jail one day like my father" He smirked, knowing it would hurt his enemy. "At least I don't keep a bag of books under my bed!" The blonde yelled."You're a pain in the ass, Dean Winchester!" Cas screamed. "I couldn't agree more Castiel Novak. Why were we chosen to be roomates" Dean growled.

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