Dean's Date.

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Dean P.O.V

"Dean? Are you even listening to me? Whatever." I heard Alyssa yell high pitch and storm out of the restaurant. I sighed because I knew this wouldn't go anywhere. I just desperately wanted Castiel to get out of my mind. Throughout this whole "date" I kept thinking of Cas and another guy which kept my blood boiling and by the end of the night it made me sad. No matter what girl I dated, I'm sure it wouldn't compare to Cas. I put some money on the table and left the place. It was raining on my walk home and it seemed to be a rainy month in general. Not cool.

I saw Castiel in the quad and immediately ditched my plan. I hid behind some local bushes instead. "D-Dean?" I heard Castiel ask from beside me. I sprung up and dusted off my pants, "Uh yeah, Hey Cas" I looked in his eyes and smiled. "What..uh what are you doing?" Cas interrogated me. If only i hid better. Instead I had a leg sticking out and my eyes were closed shut. "I"m the date ended early, what about you?" I grinned at him, my blushing was obvious when he kept looking at me with curious eyes. "I'm just looking at the bushes" Cas said and stared deep into my eyes. He looked like he missed something. Like he wanted something...but then it changed. He walked away. Dissapeared. Not a Cas to be found. He's so...strange.

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