You're a pain in the ass, Dean Winchester.

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Cas P.O.V

Dean. Fucking. Winchester. I hated him with every piece of my body. Him and his perfect hair....and eyes. Okay so what! He was cute, sure....but I am sick of it! He gets everything handed to him. He thought locking me in a locker and pushing me into trash cans every morning was okay! I have a right to be angry. I'm sick of him pushing me around. So I'm proud I took a stand. "I'm going to get out of here. Don't think I won't push you into trash cans again either, nerd" He sneered at me and stormed out of the dorm. "Jerk" I mumbled bitterly under my breath.
Suddenly the room went dead. I finally got to put on my clothes in peace. Without him trying to get at me with dick size jokes and body insults. I sighed and unraveled my towel. I ran through the dresser filled with clothes and took out a pair of navy colored boxer briefs. "Ugh I forgot my wallet....dude...why are you NAKED" Dean yelled from behind me. "Dude get out!" I yelled and covered myself with my hands. He put his hands in the air, surrendering, and left the room once again. I slipped on my boxer briefs and grabbed some dark jeans and a white v neck. I put those on and sighed. Dean just saw me naked.

Dean P.O.V

I walked into the dorm again, unprepared to see him again. "Ugh I forgot my wallet....dude...why are you NAKED" I yelled as I saw the nerd in the nude. I have to admit, he had a pretty good body for a nerd. My eyes lingered over his abs and then down to his ass. God he looked angelic. "Dude get out!" He yelled at me. His glasses flickered in the daylight. I snapped out of the trance I was in and looked into his eyes that were filled with terror.
I left the dorm without my wallet and stood outside for a minute. Was I falling for Cas?

Cas P.O.V

I got really sick thinking about Dean. He saw me naked. What was he gonna say? What would he make fun of? Should I ask the university to move out? I began to get a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I really wish I was dreaming. I slouched on my bed and lay back. I thought of all the possible scenarios and just got even more stressed. Thank goodness I won't see him at orientation tomorrow. Hopefully.

Dean P.O.V

I didn't quite know what to do. I left the building and walked to the quad. I found guys playing frisbee and blonde girls talking with friends and laughing. I decided to take a seat on a bench nearby a small fountain with a angel statue that was stuck in the center. As I people watched, all that came to mind was Cas. His eyes. His lips. I couldn't stop. I don't know why I bullied him so much. I gave him hell for four years and now I feel like I want to say....sorry. Who am I becoming? I'm going soft. No. I gotta stop this.

Cas P.O.V

Hours later I woke up from a long nap. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I slid my glasses back on and sat up. Dean had still been out. I decided it might be best if I went out too. I was starting to feel hungry. I left the dorm and began to walk down the stairs when I saw him walk up. "Oh there's the hermit" Dean chuckled. "Whatever" I mumbled and he brushed past me. Our arms gently touched and I felt a quick spark. I shook my head and kept walking. Dean Winchester is a pain in the ass. I made it down to the quad, and I spotted my old friend Charlie. She was one of my friends from highschool that had happened to be a lesbian. We met junior year and she was the first person I came out to. Next school year we had gone to prom together since I didn't want my religious parents to find out, and ever since I met her we had been close friends. Her red hair flowed as she talked with a dark haired girl. I walked up and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and looked up, "Cas!" She squealed and hugged me. "I haven't seen you in forever, how are you?" She asked with a smile. "I've been doing alright, but my roomate is a pain in the ass" I sighed. "Aw, well I'm sorry about that. It's not like you'll see much of them anyway. We'll be out having fun" She giggled. "Oh and I forget to mention! This is my girlfriend, Ava!" Charlie exclaimed and rubbed Ava's shoulder. "Oh hey, I'm Cas" I spoke shyly. "Hi" She commented. "Well we were just about to go get burgers, did you want to come with? Charlie asked me, tilting her head to one side. I nodded, "Sure, I'm starving" and we walked down to the diner on the other side of the street.

Dean P.O.V

I walked into Cas as I ran up the steps and our arms brushed against each other. How awkward. Sure, I felt the electricity but it still felt...weird. I don't even know how I like him. Its not like I'm gay....right? I mean I have dated thousands of girls. I like girls! But how come I like Cas? I guess I'll save that for another time. First I'm going to take a nap. I need one after a day like this. Castiel Novak is a pain in the ass.

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