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Cas P.O.V
I opened my eyes to find Dean Winchester staring into my eyes. "Have you been watching me sleep?" I asked, angered. "..No....loser" He replied and stormed off. Dean Winchester is a code I cannot crack. He kept staring at me yesterday night when Charlie, Ava, and I were getting tacos. It was so awkward I felt like dying. Especially when I looked back at him and he smiled....especially then, but somehow I had no time to spend thinking about him. I was more focused on Charlie and Ava's quirky stories.

"So are we not going to talk about why you were staring at me?" I said loudly and got out of bed. "I personally don't think we should" Dean spoke. What a wise ass. "No, seriously. This is the second time I catch you looking at me. It's like you call me mean names and throw me in trash cans but you stare at me like you saw a ghost. So what's your deal?" I sighed in discontent and rubbed my head. I'm so tired of his games, but it was like I was talking to a brick wall. He just looked at me with dead eyes for two seconds and then turned back to picking out what he should wear.

I sighed and figured instead of arguing, I should probably get ready too....Even though I wasn't going anywhere. So I picked out a blue collared short sleeve shirt, and a pair of black jeans. I didn't need another shirtless moment to happen so I just changed in the bathroom. When I came out I saw a shirtless Dean getting frustrated over his shirts. "Dammit, Cas. Get out of my head...stupid blue eyed dark haired..idiot" I heard him mumble out. "You do know I'm right here..right?" I choked out what I could. Dean looked at me with the most choleric face I've ever seen. He stormed right to me and began to push me. Making me back up all the way to the hallway outside our dorm. "Dean wait! De-Dean I didn't mean! Dean!" I screamed but it was no use. He pushed me one last time and slammed ther shut behind him. He locked me out of our dorm.

I banged on the door with my tight closed fists. It was no use. He wouldn't open the door. It was like losing my mom at a supermarket all over again. No matter how hard I try, I just can't find her. No matter where I run, it just feels like the walls are closing in on me. I decided to sit by the staircase and just look at the people zooming on their bikes, walking with their friends, and catching a Frisbee in the quad. Happy people that just don't understand what it's like to be locked out of their dorm room. I decided enough was enough and stood up. I began to walk to the room and got a faint feeling in my gut. He was angry that I caught him. He was mad I was in his head. I blushed at the pure thought of him actually thinking of...me. 

By now I was at the door, I gently touched the doorknob and somehow the door pushed open. I guess he unlocked it after some time. I walked into the dorm and saw him on his bed, just looking down at his navy blue covers. I walked to my bed and plopped down. "You didn't have to lock me out, ya' know" I sighed. "I didn't know you would be barging in on me" He snarled. "You really need to work on your temper" I sneered and got up, about to walk out. Boy, did he get on my nerves. "Cas, Wait" He yelled and as I turned around to face him I was interrupted with a crash of his soft lips. Once he pulled away I looked up at his hazel eyes and I nearly fainted. Instead of passing out, I grabbed his shirt, tugged it close to me, and locked my lips against his. Soon after, we both pulled back and stared at each other. "Sorry for barging in" I spoke weakly. He nodded his head slowly, "Sorry for my uh..temper" Dean replied. 

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