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Dean P.O.V

I coerced Cas into getting on the plane with me to go to Cali, but he still had some last minute anxiety on the plane. "Dean wait...Dean I've never been on a plane before" He whispered and grabbed hold of my arm. He held me so hard it felt like my arm would break off any second. "Castiel please let go..just a little bit" I whimpered, luckily he released his grip. I looked into his eyes and touched his thigh, "Hey, hey don't be worried. We'll be alright. Before you know it we will be in California and it'll all work out" I said and kissed his cheek. I didn't care much of who saw us because I was worried about Cas. He looked like he would've passed out if I didn't console him.

Luckily the plane took off and in a few hours, we made it to California. We went to our reserved hotel and unpacked our stuff. I ordered a two bed, one bath, room because I didn't want to stress about all the weird looks and stares. I didn't even hold his hand when we walked to our room because I didn't want to risk anything. Sometimes I wish I would be okay with this public PDA but I'm not sure if I would ever come around to it. Later during the day, Cas and I had dinner and then went back to the hotel to crash. I had to be at the photography studio at 12 pm and I could barely sleep because I was so excited.

The next day, Cas and I went out to shop and get breakfast. Once we were back in the hotel I changed into a black shirt, and blue jeans. Cas had on a blue button down on, underneath a black and white striped sweater, with black jeans. He looked so cute, I could melt. Although I'm not sure why he was wearing a sweater. "Well are you ready to go?" I asked him and his crystal blue eyes. He nodded his head and walked to the door. We left the place eager for the photo shoot.

We drove far down California's beautiful bright palm tree infused roads. We had rented a jet black convertible. Granted it was a bit pricy but I knew from the get go thats what I wanted because when I ordered it, I immediately began to picture Castiel's dark hair slightly flowing through the wind. His little strands of hair flying as free as he felt. With me. In California of all places.

So, we got in. And we drove. I wanted to take him to all the shops he ever imagined going to but we were on a time limit. I made it to the studio in 30 minutes flat. On the way there Cas was laughing. Giggling like a school girl as he felt the wind flow between his finger tips. His beautiful finger tips. He was endlessly adorable.

I managed to find a parking spot and got out of the car. I walked around to the passengers side of the convertible and opened Cas' door as he blushed. I was glad I could bring him. Even if I was shy of being together out in the open.

We entered the studio and looked around. There was pale hardwood flooring and sea blue walls. There were pictures framed up on the walls. Some big and some small. I finished looking and caught up with the receptionist. "Hey. I'm Dean Winchester, I was scheduled for the Jey Andrews photo shoot? I'm supposed to create a mural. Oh and this is Cas, he's a...model" I coughed out. Cas modeling was the last thing i could picture before i fainted completely. Luckily I had sent some emails and the photo company agreed that I could bring Cas along.

"Oh yes, you can go to the back. They should be prepping everything now" The blonde lady spoke with a fake smile. She seemed tired. I nodded in her direction and then brought Cas along with me to the room down the hallway. When we stepped in, it was so interesting. The floor was black. The walls were white with a grey-ish taste. I could really smell the new paint coming from the walls. I wonder if they ever painted murals on it before. Or maybe I'm nothing new.

"You must be Dean Winchester!" A taller brown haired man bellowed. He looked at me with a goofy grin in his creepy yet not so creepy glasses. "Yes, and you're Jey?" I wondered aloud as we shook hands. "Sure am! Oh and you must be Cas! Do me a favor and go to that dressing room, the other models and wardrobe stylists are there. Meanwhile, Dean you can follow me and we'll set you up with some airbrush sets. We thought it would be nice to keep the piece black and white but a hint of blue. Maybe do dark landscape. Or natural scenes like birds" Jey advised.

"That sounds excellent" I smiled and noticed Cas walk to the dressing room. Black,White, and a hint of Blue. Sounds like Cas.

Minute after minute, I had rushed as I airbrushed the not so small mural. I brushed black birds flying out of a forest. With the forest ending by a pool of ice blue water and more birds surrounding the enticing liquid. It was beautiful. I was never proud like this. I had the two things i liked the most in the same air space.

When I finished up and put my tools away, everyones face lit up. I guess you could say they loved the art work. Once everything was cleared, the photographer set up the cameras and the lighting. Then Jey sent all the models to the set. Shot after shot, men posed in front of my mural. I walked over by the group of models waiting for their camera time and found Cas, in a open black button up, and dark blue jeans. It weirded him out being here, I could feel it. "Are you okay, Cas?" I asked quietly. He looked at me with those crystal blue eyes and said, "Yes, Dean". He grinned and hugged me but once we pulled away, a woman came by to touch his hair. I guess they need perfection on set, and boy do they got it.

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