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Cas P.O.V

It's been a few days since I have talked to Dean. He hasn't been around much either. He's been out with his friends. At least that's what I've heard. As I sprung up from my bed I heard him yelling, "Damn Bella you have to pass the dogs!" I heard him yell as he jumped in his seat. I rubbed my eyes and mumbled, "Do you mind" under my breath. "Cas not now!" Dean screamed at me as he heavily pressed the buttons on the video game controller. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes. I sat up and scratched my forehead, then got up and got ready for psychology class.

"Alright students, I'm Professor Sheppard..but you can call me Crowley..if you choose" My professor lectured, slightly winking at a blonde girl in the classroom. How great. 40 Minutes later, Professor Sheppard rolled in a glass box full of...Rats? "Usually I don't do this but...this class is an exception" Crowley spoke, looking deeply into that poor girls eyes. She was obviously melting in his gaze. "Here lies...well..rats. Each and everyone of you has to go into groups of two to help train these rats in some way...or another. You have a week to make these animals do at least one trick. More details will be released on Wednesday, but make sure to pick a partner before then...Good luck" He smiled in a devilish way and began to pack his things.

"Man...rats are like...the rats of the world" A guy with dark short hair said quietly behind me. I took a good look around the class to see who my new partner would be but as I kept scanning, a pair of eyes stood out from the rest. Deans. My heart felt like it was cut in half. Every time I look at him my heart sinks deeper. He really didn't like me, and I shouldn't have liked him from the beginning. It was clear neither of us wanted to look away because...we didn't. It still didn't explain how he could be so cold to me all of a sudden.

As the class began to pack their things and leave, Dean walked towards me with heavy hearted steps. His slow steps where rushed by other passing students. It was all too familiar...like a slow motion scene out of a black and white film. His hazel glowing eyes focused on me with each step he took. My heart raced inside my chest. Finally he stood in front of me and I could barely catch my breath. "Do you wanna be partners?" He asked me with a raspy voice, I opened my mouth but no words could come out. I gave up on words and my face rose with heat. I nodded and shut my mouth...He's not fair.

Later that day I was passed a note in English class. It had a number written on it with "Daniel" below. I looked behind me and saw a blushing light haired boy writing in a notebook. I smiled to myself. Maybe things do happen for a reason. As I was walking home I opened my phone and added his number into my contacts. Even though my heart was still caught up on Dean, I decided to text him and sent him, "Hey :)". I immediately closed my phone and kept walking, this is so unlike me.

Once I reached my dorm, my weak knees trudged slowly to my bed and I sprawled out on the sheets like a dead whale. "Hey so...I'm gonna go out with Alyssa tonight...so um...I'll probably be back tomorrow" Dean boldly stated. If he hadn't crushed my heart before, this would probably matter to me but instead I felt like kicking him out a window so I really didn't care what he would say next. "Okay well I'll be on a date tomorrow so as long as you're back before 7 then it'll be fine" I smirked devilishly. "A...Date" He asked and a few seconds later I heard him fall. My body was so down in the blankets and pillows, I really didn't want to leave and help him. "Yeah. With a guy from Literature. I mean..you can accept that..right?" I threw his words right in his face and maybe even giggled a little after, but then I heard the door slam shut, and to be quite frank...I could never be happier, but now I have to find a date.

I reached for my phone and called Daniel's number...please answer...oh please answer. "Hello?" A quiet voice asked. "Daniel? It's Cas" I stated and put a hand over my eyes...what am I doing..."Oh..Cas..hey" I heard a faint smile through the phone. Jeez his voice was so cute, it had a hint of raspiness to it but I think it made it cuter. "Do you wanna go out tomorrow night?" I asked him directly. "What?" I heard him trip over the phone. What is with me and making guys trip?

"I-Well-I-Guess...Yeah sure" Daniel decided. "Okay cool, we'll meet at the quad at..say 7?" I wondered, "Yeah that works" He mumbled out. "Okay I'll see you then..goodbye" I hung up the phone and scratched my head. What was I doing?

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