Dean's Side/ Cali Pt. 2

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Dean's P.O.V

The next day after the photoshoot, Cas wanted to sleep in. He started going off about how we should stay in the hotel all day, so I finally gave in and slept beside him. It felt so different than all the girls I've dated. I could take my time with him and he wouldn't even care if we kissed or not, he was just pleased with seeing me, and to be quite honest, I felt the exact same feeling.

When the evening struck around we ordered some chinese food, ate, and watched tv in the bed. I wasn't excited to go back to the pressures of school, but I had to get a degree somehow.

The next morning we flew back to school and I never saw Cas so grumpy. "Whats wrong with you, grumpy-pants?" I asked him with a little nudge. "I don't want to talk about it" He snarled. "Cas" I exclaimed and stopped walking in the huge airport. He turned back to me and raised his eyebrow. "What" He said, gritting his teeth.

"What's wrong" I asked again, looking into his ocean blue eyes."I did not want to come back here" He growled. "I didn't either, I'm sorry Cas" I replied sympathetically. Then I got closer and looked at him. I smiled and kissed his nose, then pressed our foreheads against each other. It lasted for a bit until I remember we had to go back to our dorms before 4:30. I stepped back and looked at his pouty little face. He was a child, but my child

We fled the crowded airport hand in hand and made it to our dorm room an hour later. Cas and I unpacked and then he started to work on a paper for class. I decided to sketch on my bed and stare at him. Little did he know I started to sketch him ever since he became my rlommate. He was so photogenic and kept my heart racing with each movement he made.

Later on he left to meet up with Charlie for dinner plans, and I got started on reading a book assigned for one of my classes.  I kept thinking about Castiel the whole time. He related to a character in the book I read. His name was Mark and he was pictured to look like Cas, except Mark's eyes were brown. He was interested in nerdy things, and photography. The funny thing was that Mark was in the closet. However Castiel is as out as a plumbers ass. The only bad thing I noticed was that Mark was distant and cold. It's kind of how I'm experiencing Cas act out right now. It's making me nervous. I don't want to lose him but it's making no sense. I get he didn't want to be here again but I wonder why. If he's getting bullied I swear I would end whoever is messing with him.

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