How To Ge To Know Warren's Psychotic Vampire Friend

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Chapter 30 : How To Get To Know Warren's Psychotic Vampire Friend

Joel stared back at me with his hazel eyes. A grin spread across his face.There were bruises around his body, and there were a couple of cuts as well. He stood up shakily from the spot he was sitting in. "Where the fuck have you been, girlie?"

Iran over and hugged him. All that was going through my mind was that he was alive. He was alive and he was standing right in front of me.He wasn't killed by the werewolf...but I saw him. I saw him die. I saw it right in front of my eyes.

Joel made an 'oof' sound and chuckled. He hugged me back, one hand in my hair. I pulled back, tears in the corner of my eyes, and hit him playfully. "You were dead!" I choked out, eyes watering. "You were dead! You died in front of my eyes!"

He held up a finger. "I died for a couple of hours."

I stared at him like he was insane. "What are you talking about?"

"Vampires heal can heal themselves over time. Nothing can actually kill a vampire, silly." He pinched my nose playfully, then winced. "Well...I mean, we can die...but..."

"Did Warren know you weren't dead?" I asked him.

He bobbed his head up and down. "Of course. It's like, commonsense."

I growled underneath my breath. Warren practically lied to me. He went along as if he was actually dead. "Warren never told me that. He said you were dead."

Joel rolled his eyes. "Warren's a brat. He didn't want to save me,the asshole. I don't blame him. I would've left his ass there too if I was in a situation like that." He shrugged. "When I woke up,I was in a car, on the way to here."

Iran my hand over a cut that was healing right before my eyes. "What have they been doing to you?"

"Oh this?" He laughed, touching the spot on his arm. "Most of these is because I'm a fucker who likes to piss off people. The other half of 'em is from not giving out information. They kept asking me where Warren was and you were and shit like that. I was honest with them. I had no clue where you guys were. And if I did, I would've never told them."

"Oh my God," I muttered, pulling him into another hug. "Joel, you're insane."

He just laughed again. "I know. It's a miracle they actually haven't killed me yet."

"How do you kill a vampire?"

Joel winced. "It's not pretty..."

"Neither am I," I rolled my eyes, grabbing the wooden chair that was in the corner. "Now tell me."

Joel sighed and grabbed the other one to sit in. "Well, first off, You have to hurt their heart somehow. Like, cut it. Or shoot it. They'll go unconscious, like I did, for a while, no pulse, no breathing, no nothing. Now, if you just leave them there and let them heal, they'll be better in no time. But to actually kill them..."

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