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(Author's note: I know I sort of blew past the Katie Cassidy being Ruby and Laurel way back in the first one but I decided to play with it here, because I can, and it's fanfic.)

We got back to the house, Coyote patched me up, again and gave me more of her healing tea to drink. It numbed a lot of the pain within an hour or so, along with three or four extra strength aspirins. I was going to try to push it and finish cleaning the guns, at least I was until she shoved me down onto the couch and basically said , "Sit, stay!" then glared at me as she started field stripping the next gun. I got the point.

Since I'd been put on couch duty I figured I should check Magnus's files that Sam had uploaded to the site so I grabbed my laptop, after assuring Coyote that was all I was doing, and clicked on the site icon that Felicity had added when they were here. Since Sam still had a vamp hanging out in the dungeon I figured I'd start there and typed vampire in the search bar. Seconds later about a hundred references to vamps popped up. "Damn, if we'd had this years ago, the hours we would have saved." I muttered. I started scrolling through the options and one caught my eye.

"On Alternative Methods of Interrogating Vampires"

That could be useful, I clicked on the link and started reading.

"Vampires, like demons, heal rapidly and are much less vulnerable to even enhanced weapons. Holy water, salt, exorcisms, none of these affect a vampire. Dead man's blood weakens them but it does not cause them much distress. If information is needed from a vampire, such as the location of it's nestmates, there is a scarcity of options to compel them to speak.

I, through much research, which, of course, has been frowned upon by the establishment, have devised a method of causing a vampire such intense pain that it will do it's utmost to share all knowledge within mere minutes of being exposed to it. It is indeed a pity that my fellow Men of Letters continue to doubt the validity of my research."

Magnus was just as arrogant on paper as he'd been in person. The guy was a genius though so I couldn't really hold it against him.

"This method requires an injection of the following components into a fairly robust specimen. If too weakened, this brew could kill a vampire immediately so it's rather important to take care to not injure it too severely before continuing. The ingredients are as follows:

Three drops each of Oils of Myrrh, Frankincense, Sage, Garlic and Cedar, placed into 100 ml of Holy Water to which two pinches of pure salt have been added. Repeat the standard purifying invocation over this mixture and then add four drops of Dead Man's Blood.

What I have discovered is that the ancient tales of vampires fearing Holy Ground and Garlic weren't incorrect, they were just not accurate. The body of the vampire, like our own skin, protects it from these things. Once they have become fully undead the body is merely a shell, the thing that keeps the vampire alive is it's blood. That is where it's true weakness is. Purify the blood and you purify the vampire. One 10 cc dose of this causes intense pain, two will send it into madness, the Hunger will be so strong as to render it incoherent, three will kill it. Of the fifteen trials I have done since discovering the power of this brew all the vampires have answered truthfully after one dose. The first thirty trials were spent adjusting dosages and verifying the full extent of it's power. If you wish to restore the vampire for whatever reason, you can feed it blood after the first dose and it will heal. All further doses the damage is irreversible.

Thus ends this experiment."

"Holy shit..."

Coyote, who had one of the shotguns apart at this point stopped what she was doing and looked over at me. "Find something?"

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