Prepping for Dinner with Death

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A knock woke me up, I meant to say yeah but I barked instead. I'd forgotten I was wearing fur, not skin. Awkward.

Sam's more than mildly confused voice came through the door, "Dean? Coyote?"


The door opened and Sam peeked in. His mouth moved once or twice before he actually got any words out. "Um, okay. Not asking."

"We didn't.."

He closed his eyes and put his hand out to stop me, "Really, really don't want to know. Really."

Coyote was laughing inside my head, probably Sam's too.

"What's up? What time is it?"

His eyes opened back up, "It's six in the morning, Cas found a decent looking hunt for them to go on. It's in Iowa. Oliver's been up for a few hours, since you're not going he's tracking down a flight. They can get what they need there since it's just a ghost hunt or if Oliver gets a charter they can take gear and save some time."

"All right, we'll get dressed and join the party."

Now that he was over the shock of seeing wolves on a bed instead of people he gave us a more inquisitive look, "You guys all right?"

"Yes," Coyote answered, "I had to see the change, see this form. That's why the mirror is leaning against the wall. Dean changed to prove a point. We just didn't feel like changing back before we went to bed."

"So, you're not going to four legs full time or anything?"

"No." We both said.

"Thumbs are too useful to do that," I added. "Don't feel like lapping up my beer."

Sam decided to give up at that point, "All right, sure, great. I'm going back now." He muttered something else to himself as he turned away and shut the door behind him.

"What? It's true."

Coyote just gave me a wolfy smile, jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom. I heard her panting and whimpering as she shifted back, then the shower turned on. I decided to join her so I hopped out of bed, got back on two legs, stepped into the shower and gave her a long hug. She was going to be gone for a few days, which was going to suck but it had to happen. Oddly enough everything that had happened the day before had made me feel more confident that I wouldn't snap or go dark somehow again. I'd hunted, been killed, again, been brought back and got stuck with another jacked up situation but I wasn't losing it, wasn't falling back into old habits and patterns. I was actually okay, which was something I hadn't been in more years than I cared to count.

"Huh," I said as we toweled off after cleaning up.


"It just hit me that I made it through all of that without losing it. Not sure if it's the pack bond or just me, either way, I'll take it."

She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "It's you."

"You sure?" I'd be more than a little shocked if I'd come that far.

"Yes, you've been keeping everyone else calm, not the other way around. We've all been pulling on you and Sam. Shit hit the fan, you took charge, just like you always do. I'm proud of you Babe."

Now that was weird to hear, it felt damn good though. I hadn't heard it all that much in my life.

She pulled me in for another, much longer kiss. Turns out when your psychically bonded with someone you love, it doubles, or maybe even triples how things feel. We were feeling the physical kiss and all the love behind it from both sides, mine and hers. Both our knees buckled and I barely managed to catch her before my ass hit the counter top. Guess this is what they mean by swooning. The room started spinning but I got focused enough to pull back from her. "Wow..."

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