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"Sam, check on Teresa and Star," I said. "Oliver? How's the arm?" I pushed aside what had just happened and the overwhelming urge to follow that damn wolf thing and take it out. People were hurt and who the hell knew if Cas was ever coming back.

"It went through the muscle, just need stitches," he replied.

"Coyote? You okay?"

She nodded, "Just a gash. Rolled my ankle, not bad, just hurts like hell."

"Anyone else hurt?"

Gerald looked around at everyone else shaking their heads, "Just some bumps and bruises. We got damn lucky they were crappy shots and Castiel managed to blind them for a few seconds. Nice job on Gordon you two."

Just hearing Gordon's name pushed me almost too far, I managed to shove it back down. "We need to torch all these bodies or they might just come back again."

"Answers best be coming damn soon Dean." Sarah said.

"Now?" Sam snapped, "Rick's fighting with his wolf side, Teresa and Star need an ER visit, we're surrounded by trashed cars and corpses and you want to talk about portals to other dimensions? Get your priorities straight! Gerald help me get them into your car. You hit up the nearest hospital. Dean, you, Dig and Roy start cleaning this up and keep an eye on Rick. Coyote, you and Arrow should get looked at too. The rest of you, get clear of this mess and holed up somewhere fast. Whatever that thing saw you can be damn sure it's relaying everything it saw to someone else. Hide. Now. Dean and I will get you all the answers you want later."

"I'll help with the clean up, this is just a scratch," Oliver replied.

Coyote leaned against Baby, "Yeah, same here. You guys take off."

I almost argued with her when Rick stopped growling and his eyes went back to normal. He tried to sit up while looking wildly around, "Oh God! Did I..." Fear and self-loathing crossed his face while he tried to figure out where he was.

"No, you didn't eat anyone," I answered. "Roy hit you with the net before you took two steps. Sorry about the hands, you were trying to claw your way out of the net. What happened?"

"I don't know," he said, "That wolf, it just got inside my head somehow and I felt it, like on the full moon. I...I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," Sam countered, "Teresa's hit pretty bad and Star's got a bullet in her leg. We're taking them to the ER, you want to go with or have someone here take those bullets out?"

He was pretty shaken up, I got the feeling he wanted to get as far away from here as possible, "I'll go with."

"All right. You sure you're over it?" I asked.

Rick nodded, "Yeah."

"Gerald? Let's do this."

Gerald and I shifted Teresa and Star to the back of his car, Sam helped untangle Rick from the net and he got into Gerald's front seat. The rest of them loaded up into their bullet ridden cars.

"I'll let you know how they are and tell you where we all hole up," Gerald said before he pulled out. "All things considered, glad you guys were with us on this."

"Thanks," I said as I backed away from his car. He drove off, the rest of them followed, leaving Oliver, Roy, Dig, Sam and Coyote and I there to deal with the aftermath. That's when the bottom fell out and I had to lean against Baby to wait for everything that had just happened to sink in. It looked like a slaughterhouse, blood and guts littered the ground around me, smoke was still rising from the cars that Oliver and Roy had taken out, I could still hear the screams echoing in my head. It was the worst combination of Purgatory and what I'd done and seen when I'd still had the Mark. I don't usually get queasy over shit like this but after a year of not being elbow deep in blood and hacking off heads I wasn't used to it anymore; wasn't used to that iron and bile scent of blood and internal organs spilling out onto the ground, the sight of empty eyes staring up at me from heads that were feet away from their bodies. Any of it. As hard as it was hitting me, Coyote was taking it even harder. She'd never been exposed to this level of violence, not first hand anyway. Her eyes swept back and forth across the carnage as she tried to keep her breakfast down and figure out where to start on cleaning this mess up.

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