We left the cop shop, no monsters in the area as far as Coyote could see. Roy had reported in that three more people had gone into the building they were watching. It was an old warehouse that seemed to be abandoned so they were assuming everyone who headed in there were working together. That made eight possible monsters. I waited to say something until we were in Baby with the windows rolled up and driving back to the motel. "They're like fucking cockroaches I swear. Where the hell are all these guys coming from?"
"No idea," Sam was looking as concerned as I was feeling, "You want to take them out there and bail or head out to the crime scene and keep acting like we're clueless?"
"Let me call Cas, see if he and Dig have found anything out yet, like a mass migration of monsters leaving Oklahoma." I dialed Cas's number.
"Cas." He didn't say anything, as usual, "Find anything?"
"No, which is why I have yet to call you."
I got the feeling I had to clarify that, "No meaning no monsters, or no Gordon?"
"We have found monsters, we have not found Gordon. I thought he was the priority. There are monsters in every city around the world so I didn't feel it was important to report that."
I was half tempted to hand the phone to Sam and just give up, "Are the monsters doing anything odd?"
"Well, by nature, they are odd, compared to humans..."
"Cas!" I tried to rein in my usual irritation, "Sorry, is Dig there? Can I talk to him?"
"Of course."
"Hey there Dean," Dig said.
"Fill me in."
"Right, no Gordon as of yet. According to Cas we're looking at ten vamps and two werewolves. Just like to say I really didn't need to know the percentage of monsters to humans in any given city. Cas filled me on that, wasn't all that comforting. These guys are hanging out by a roadhouse, fortunately there's a motel across the street, that's where we are. They don't seem too happy to be hanging out in such close proximity with each other, get the feeling they're waiting for someone or something. I suggested heading over there to listen in but Cas said they may pick up on him being an angel, figured I'd wait to hear from you before deciding the best course here."
"Hold on," I relayed all that to Sam, then put the phone on speaker, "You're on speaker, Sam's with me. We've got about eight vamps snooping around where we are, Oliver and Roy are watching them. We're deciding if we want to take them out where they stand now or play this game a little longer. Sam?"
I had no idea how they would pick up on Cas being an angel unless he smelled different from people, which could make sense, I guess.
"It depends on how quick we want to put it out there that we're doing things differently. We really still have no idea what's going on other than Gordon and I'm highly doubting he was able to get this many things to follow him. He wasn't exactly the easiest person to get along with. I think he's part of this, but not running it. As soon as we tip our hand they're going to react and change things up, which could make things a lot more complicated."
He had a point, but I kind of wanted to stir them up. "I've always thought the fastest way to get people to screw up was push them. You know that."
He frowned, "Yeah, it's also the fastest way to get in over our heads."
"You both have a point," Dig said, "But both of you are overlooking something, the longer you two are out in the field, wide open like this, the more of them can track you down. They don't have to drive, remember? Talk to Oliver, maybe take on the group there, tag one or two with nanites, snag one for questioning and kill the rest. The ones that get away can lead you to the next rung of the ladder. That's how we usually do it."
Full Circle (Book 8 in Arrow/Spn Crossover)
Fanfic(Written in 2015 or 2016) Eighth Arrow/SPN Crossover. Dean POV still. Picking up where Monsters in Our Heads ended. When old threats combine with unheard of threats and the monsters start acting like organized crime syndicates the Boys have to reach...