Old Friends Return

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By the time we reached the Bunker Coyote had caught me up on Sam's latest info, the fact that Felicity had put at least some names to faces, had tracked a few down to where they were staying and Sam's idea that we needed to make sure that whatever hunters we decided to rely on were actually still hunters and not shifters I heartily agreed with that idea and figured we may as well get Oliver's crew used to be tested too, we'd probably be doing it a lot while all this crap was going on. After doing all that we bounced around ideas for the cruise to pass a few hours, which was fun but my heart wasn't really into it.

I'd ended up driving the whole trip, which was probably dumb because my hands had almost locked into place from gripping the wheel for hours but I was in a mood. I do some of my best planning and thinking while driving Baby and there'd been a lot rattling around my head.

Sam met us at the door and took a few of our bags from us as we walked inside. "I put the vamp out of his misery, the quick way. Figured I'd take care of it before you got here."

"Thanks." I hadn't been all that keen on beheading more things but I was going to have to get over that pretty quick if I was going to be useful. "Any updates?"

"Cas should be here in about an hour. He'll probably finish patching you up when he gets here. I told him you'd decided on a warm up match, he said he was pleased that your diplomacy skills still seemed up to par." There was a little quirky twist to his lips when he said that.

"Wait, hold up, Cas is starting to understand sarcasm?"

He started chuckling, "Apparently angels can be taught. Who knows, at the rate he's going he might become one of the funniest angels around in another century or two."

"Not sure I can handle this titanic shift in the universe. Cas with a sense of humor." I shook my head as I set the bags I was carrying down, "What next? Pigs flying?"

"I'll keep an eye out," he replied, completely straight faced.

"Probably a good idea." We headed straight to the kitchen, we hadn't eaten much on the way and I was starving. My usual sleeping and eating scheduled was already thrown off between the multiple naps and craziness of the last few days. Sam and I had pulled a twenty hour or so day when we got the vamps, I'd gotten about three or four hours of sleep before the nightmare, driven straight home which was another six hours, napped again, gotten into a fight, got another three hours of sleep and drove six more hours back to the Bunker. We'd headed out to get the vamps on Wednesday, it was now early evening on Friday and between the emotional crap, lack of sleep and the pain from the fight I was feeling like a train had hit me, backed up and ran over me again just to make sure it'd done a good job. Then I remembered that this was what I'd felt like most of the time I'd hunted. No wonder I'd been such a dick to people. "Oliver and his crew still coming tomorrow, or the day after. Sorry, lost track of who said what when."

"Tomorrow morning, early. Roy,Dig and Oliver are all coming."

He looked as crappy as I was feeling. "Have you slept at all?"

"Kind of, spent some time going through Magnus's stuff, found some more useful things. Here let me..."

"Stop." Coyote said, she'd taken over making sandwiches, since I was still trying to get my hands to move, "Sam, go lay down till Cas gets here. Dean can look through everything while you nap. Then after Cas gets here and we get him all caught up all of us need to pass the hell out for a few hours. You two look like shit already and this has barely started. We can't do anything till Oliver gets here anyway, I assume Cas can man the phones and email list while we get some shut eye.

He stood there, looking wierdly shy and kind of wistful.

"Just do it man, she brought a whole bag of herbs with her, you either pass out voluntarily or she'll make you pass out one way or the other. I've been Shaman roofied twice over the last day or so, and one time I didn't even drink tea."

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