Chain of Death

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I was running with my brothers again. We were playing tag and I was riding on Jake's back. All of my six brothers had shifted and were chasing each other around. The twins, also the youngest of my brothers, Alec and Daniel, were running side by side, weaving through trees and ducking under low branches. Samuel, the oldest of my brothers, was chasing my second oldest brother Jake, because he was 'it'. Ren, my third oldest brother, was running alongside Jake. Jake was about to pass me off to Nate, my other brother. 

Once I climbed onto Nate's back and wrapped my small hands in his fur, Nate and Jake split up to make it harder to catch either of them. We were having so much fun untill we heard Mother scream. Everyone immediately forgot about the game of tag and sprinted off towards our small house. When we finally reached our home, we were all shocked at what we saw.

Father was fighting about ten large humans with swords. Mother was trying to hold her own against about seven other strange humans. My brothers rushed in to help our struggling parents. Exept for Nate, who's back I was still sitting on. I climbed off of him so he could join the others. 

Suddenly a loud crack echoed through the forest around us. I looked up to find one of the humans had pulled out a gun and shot Father in the chest. The remaining humans soon did the same. One of the humans had noticed me and pointed his gun in my direction. Just as he pulled the trigger, one of my brothers jumped in front of me. I watched as the first of my brothers fell.

I couldn't really comprehend what was happening in my four year old mind. I just watched as my family and about 20 humans slaughtered each other. I heard a quiet moan and saw Mother try to move. I ran over to her and kneeled down next to her. 

"Daemon...." Mother said weakly "When you shift you will notice something different about your wolf.... You will have something your brothers did not. I wish I could help you through your first change. I'm so sorry for leaving you."

"Mother?" I didn't understand what had happened at the time. It had happened to fast for my young mind to process. I did understand that I was alone now. 

I didn't want to stay in this place but I didn't want to leave my family. I walked around the clrearing to try to find and survivors. There were none. That is when I finally realized I had no one left. I had no one to care for me. That is when my wolf chose to make an apearance.

That is the day I first shifted... 

And my mother had been right...

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