This Should be Fun

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I made my way towards the forest, that way if they confronted me it wouldn't be in public for just anyone to see. They followed me the whole way, jogging to make sure I wouldn't get to far away. They didn't have to worry about keeping me in sight with them being werewolves and all. They could just follow my scent trail.

When I finally entered the forest the first thing I did was ditch my skate board behind a tree. I jogged a little ways farther into the forest, away from town, in case things got ugly. I was almost as far in as I deemed necessary when I was suddenly yanked upside down and into the air by my ankle.

I just swayed through the air for a moment, dazed at the sudden change in scenery. I twisted a bit, and looked up to see what had caught me. I sighed as I realized it was just a simple little trap that hunters usually set up for small game. I had some time before the wolves were upon me so I began to plan my escape. 

I was shaken from my thoughts when I felt something wrapping around my leg and continuing to slide and wrap around the rest of my body. Looking up, I realised there was a giant snake slithering down my body. 

"I wouldn't eat me if I were you." I informed the snake.

It seemed to give me a questioning look before hissing out, "And why not?"

With a wry smile I said, "Well, you wouldn't have enough time to, anyway. There's a few wolves coming this way, most likely to find and capture me." 

The snake gave me another curious look before asking, "Well, what do you suppose I do? There isn't exactly much to eat around here for something as large as me. I haven't eaten properly since I was brought here about four years ago."

"Well, if you like, you could come with me. I was planning on leaving this place soon anyway. It's not like me to stay in one place too long. This place has only brought me pain. Literally." I murmured.

The snake agreed to come with me, as long as I fed him regularly and didn't treat him like a pet. And, after a bit of persuasion, I got him to let me down. Don't ask me how he did it, because I'm not sure. Last I checked, snakes couldn't untie things or chew through rope, but, hey, I'm not really one to question strange things. Strange things like how the snake wasn't the least bit phased by the fact that I understood what it said.

Anyway, once I was back on my feet, the snake, who's name was Khall, wrapped himself around my entire body. From toes to head, he had coiled his way up and around my left leg, around my hips and torso, and loosely around my neck a few times. The tip of his tail was resting on the top of my foot and his head was sitting atop mine. He weighed quite a bit, but he radiated quite a lot of heat. Since I was still wearing only a sweatshirt and shorts the heat was welcome.

When the humongous snake had finally settled and I began to get used to the extra weight the werewolves finally caught up. I guess I had actually gotten quite a ways away from them. I waited for them to explain why they were following me or perhaps attack me. They appeared to be waiting for me to say something. Or maybe they were waiting for me to run again. Wolves do seem to like the chase.

They hadn't seemed to notice my new friend yet, and they didn't until he spoke up. 

"Can I eat one of them?" He inquired hopefully. One of the wolves, a small female, yelped. The rest of the wolves' eyes just widened and one took a step back as they realised I had a ginormous snake wrapped around me.

I couldn't keep a straight face at that and smiled widely, chuckling a little.

"Maybe if they piss me off." I murmured back. 

It didn't seem like that was quite the answer he was looking for, but he didn't object. The werewolves, four males and a female, didn't seem sure whether to rip the snake off me or just ignore it. One of the males stepped forward, a large boy probably around 18 years of age. 

"The Beast King wishes to meet with you." He said in a haughty tone.

"Well, crap." Khal hissed quietly. 

"Crap indeed." I mumbled, suddenly very tired and wanting nothing more than to get out of this god forsaken city.

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