At Least They're Persistent

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I woke up to a throbbing pain that had spread through out my body while I slept. I sat up slowly, trying not to hurt anymore than necessary. I stood and made my way to the bathroom. I had dried blood and dirt all over me. I carefully pulled the sweat shirt and shorts off. Then I unwrapped all of the bandages.

Once I had all of the bandages off I turned the water on as hot at it would go. I climbed into the scalding shower and rinsed the grime from my skin and hair. When I was clean again I carefully stepped from the shower and dried myself. I then re-wrapped my body with the bandages. I needed to get some clean, not bloody bandages.

 The closest store with bandages was about a mile away, so I would definately be taking my skateboard. Not the one I had when I got run over, I'm not sure where that one went. I had a back up board, one that was brand new. 

There was no point in staying in this house anymore, so I pulled the giant hoodie back on and carefully slid the tiny, skin tight shorts up my legs. I decided to go bare foot, mostly because I only had one pair of shoes, and I had no idea where they were right now. 

I carefully made my way to the front door, trying to move as little as possible in order to feel as little pain as possible. I set the skateboard on the ground, stepped on it, and kicked off. As I made my way to the nearest pharmacy I felt several pairs of eyes on me. I just ignored them hoping they would just leave me alone.

When I finally reached a store, it was not a pharmacy. It was a Walmart, but it would have to do. I walked in and made my way to the bandages. I grabbed all of the rolls and made my way to the restroom. Once inside I made sure I was alone and locked the door. I searched for any cameras but didn't find any. 

I began to strip, slowly and carefully. It hurt so much more now that I was moving around. I carefully examined my body, taking stock of the injusries that hadn't healed. My broken leg was still partially broken. My wrists still hurt quite a bit, but they weren't sprained any more. My back still burned, and when I had unwrapped my torso there had been blood. I'm sure a few ribs were still broken but I didn't want to check. 

I rewrapped myself in the new bandages and threw the old ones in the trash. I carefully exited the public restroom, and left the store. I kicked off again in the direction I had come from. I felt more eyes on me and then they were following me. The wind blew my way, and I caught their scents. They were all werewolves, and there was about five of them. I turned away from my home and kicked a little harder. 

They were still following. This was going to be another long day.

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