Rude Awakenings are most Definitely Rude

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When my body is severely wounded, it goes into a coma-like state. I am still consious, but I can't move any more than is necessary (like breathing). I automatically wake up though, if any kind of potential danger presents itself. Werewolves definatley count as potential danger.

So when a wolf came within three meters of the tree I was currently in, I woke up. I moved into a position that I could more easily see the ground in. I leaned over, trying to spot to source of the growling I could now hear. I leaned over slightly too far, and began to slide off the branch. I scrambled to balance myself, and in my panic claws shot from my finger tips. Cat ears sprouted on the top of my head and my already present tail tried to wrap itself around anything that might stop my fall.

I jumped from the tree as I realized I wouldn't be able to catch myself. I expected to land on the hard ground but instead I landed on something soft and furry. I looked down only to sqeak in shock, and automatically sprint away as fast as my now clawed hands and feet could carry me. It may seem weird to be running on all fours but, believe it or not, I can run faster that way.

I needed to get as far away from the wolf I had just landed on as fast as possible. I heard quiet panting behind me and automatically knew it was the wolf. I almost wailed in sorrow as I realized I could not out run it. But I might be able to evade it long enough to tire it out. I wouldn't be able to run much longer though, because of my injuries. Maybe it didn't want to kill me. 

I glanced around frantically looking for a tree I could climb. If I found a suitable tree to climb I might be able to talk to it without getting ripped apart. I almost sighed in relief as I spotted a rather large and climbable tree. I veered towards it and at the last second I jumped as high as I could. I quickly scrambled from branch to branch, climbing higher and higher. 

I cautiously looked down at the over grown dog beneath me. He was clawing at the trunk of the poor tree, and growling angrily.

"Excuse me, Mr. Dog, but-" I was cut off as several more wolves joined the one below me. This isn't going to work, I realized. I climbed to the highest branch that could hold me, and looked out over the forest. I sighed and decided the only way I would be able to get out of this situation was if I put my inner cat away, and brought out my inner bird.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I can shift into any animal, but I can only partial shift if I'm severely injuered or emotionally unstable. Anyway, back to my somewhat dire situation. I looked to the sky, and imagined my beautiful black wings sprouting from my back. I smiled to myself as I began my ascent into the night sky. I made my way back to town and found my home. I landed on the roof and silently slipped into the attic.

I made my way to my room and collapsed on my bed. My last thought before I fell asleep was, 'I just hope they don't find me again while I'm sleeping.'

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