Cars Must Not Like Me

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Falling off of my bed is not one of my favorite ways to wake up. Sadly, it happened a lot. I slowly got off the floor and made my way to my small bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and quickly ran my fingers through my short white hair. People thought I was a freak thanks to my hair. I had tried dyeing it once, but the dye dissapeared within five minutes. People thought I was blind because of my eyes. The iris was pure white as was the pupil. I had perfect vision but had given up on arguing with people. I have a certain condition pertaining to my voice as well, so I try to talk as little as possible. 

I took a quick shower and dried my hair. I debated whether it was worth it to put a pair of contacts in or not. I decided not since I would not be looking anyone in the eyes today. I glanced at a clock and almost punched something. If I did not hurry up I was going to be late for my first day of school. 

I had been living on my own, and not going to any kind of school, about a month ago. But I had run into some cop and he had set Child Sercives on me. I had convinced them to let me live alone, but only if I went to school. I walked back over to my room and rummaged through my closet. I pulled out black skinny jeans and a loose black T-shirt. I also pulled out my favorite hoodie. I put on a pair of black Vans too.

After I got dressed I grabbed my backpack and skateboard. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple before I ran out the door. I pulled my hood up and dropped my skateboard. I kicked off in the direction I hoped was the school. I munched on my apple as I made my way to my new school.

I was apparently a junior in high school. I had never been to a school before so I had absolutley no idea what I was supposed to do. I'll go to the principal first I guess. I can tell him I've been home schooled.

One second I was thinking about my new school and the next I was laying on the ground, mind absolutely blank. When I tried to sit up pain flared through my stomach and leg. I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position. I was trying not to concentrate on how much it hurt. 

"Oh my god, are you alright? Of course your not alright, I just ran you over." I looked towards the voice and saw a boy around my age kneeling beside me. 

My hood had fallen down so I pulled it back up. I slowly stood up, trying to block out the pain. The guy was trying to get me to sit back down saying that an ambulance was coming. I looked around and noticed a crowd of people staring at me. I carefully picked up my backpack and grabbed my skateboard. I slowly walked in the direction to my home. I think getting run over by a car was enough of a reason to not go to school. 

I had almost made it back home when flashing lights told me that the paramedics had found me. Someone grabbed my arm and gently tugged me towards the ambulance. I gave up on struggling because it hurt too much. They made me lie down on a not very comfortable cot annd gave me some kind of shot. 

Some kind of anesthetic most likely. My theory was proved right as the pain dimmed along with the rest of the world.

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