Rolling isn't Always Fun

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I slowly opened my eyes, only to stare at a pure white ceiling. At least I didn't wake up on the floor this time. I tried to sit up, but plopped back down as soon as I felt the mind numbing pain. Whatever these people were pumping into me was not letting me heal properly. I should have been fully healed by now. 

I tried to stand up but my arm was pulled back. I looked down to see a needle stuck in my arm. I ripped it out and winced at the added pain. The pain instantly numbed as my inhuman healing started to kick in.

I looked myself over, realizing I was only wearing one of those stupid hospital gown things. I looked around for something to wear. All I found was a rather large hoodie. I also found some bandages. I pulled the hospital gown off and began to wrap my chest. Once I was satisfied with that I looked for something to wear as underwear or something along those lines. 

Eventually, I found a pair of very small shorts tucked away in a drawer. Must have been left by a past tenant or something, perhaps the same one that owned the hoodie. I grimaced at the idea of wearing something that looked more like underwear than actual shorts, but pulled them on anyway. I pulled the hoodie on and zipped it up only to find it hung past my knees, and the sleeves were way too long. Once I had zipped it up all the way, I walked over to the cabinet I had found the bandages in and grabbed a few more rolls of the stuff to shove in the hoodies pockets.

I needed to get out of here. It probably wasn't the best idea to just walk through the building to the front door, assuming I would even be able to find it. I looked around the small room and found a small window. Pulling it open and peering out over the landscape told me that I was on the second floor, a good thirteen feet or so above the ground. 

I would be able to make the jump, but not without some sort of injury. If I rolled when I landed maybe I could escape another broken bone. It just might work. I backed up to the opposite side of the room but started when I heard foot steps heading towards the door. I quickly regained my composure and as soon as my back brushed against the wall, I sprinted towards the window. The door opened and I heard a strangled noise, just as I dived through to freedom.

I plumetted towards the ground and desperately rolled forward. My momentum carried me forward and I tumbled a few times, before I was standing again. I was really dizzy though so I face planted. Once I could see straight again, I stood up and looked back towards the hospital I had been trapped in. I saw a boy about my age, leaning from the window I had jumped out of, with an expression of worry on his face.

He looked like he was about to jump out of the window himself, so I just turned and ran into the nearby trees. Once I was far enough into the forest, I found a large tree and pulled myself up onto a high branch.

I looked myself over to see what wounds weren't healed yet. I tentatively touched my ribs and sucked in a pained breath. I definitely had a few broken ribs. My left ankle hurt so I looked it over. It was sprained, most likley from the fall. It felt like my right leg was broken too, so I would have to make sure that healed properly or I would have to rebrake it. Both of my wrists were sprained, my left worse than my right. My back seriously hurt, so something was probably very wrong there.

I wrapped both my wrists and ankles in a hope to not hurt them anymore. I also wrapped anywhere that was bleeding, which happened to be pretty much every where else. On the bright side though, I had managed to grab enough bandages.

I tried to lay in a position that didn't hurt that much. My body was shutting down in an attempt to heal itself. I realized that was a very bad thing, because as my eyes almost closed I heard a wolf howl. 

And it wasn't a regular wolf.

It was a freaking werewolf.

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