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"Thank you so much, Jade. You're this family's savior."

I smiled shyly at Mrs. Gomez. "You're always welcome, Kate," I said. I gave her a small wave before heading to my bike.

I waited for her to close her door before I crossed the street. The automotive shop was already closed, but Harry was sitting on his car's hood while shooting peanuts to his mouth. He was fresh from the shower, his hair was down and wet, and I could smell the scent that was all over me last night.

"Hey," he said after seeing me. "Want some?" he asked, offering me some peanuts.

I shook my head. He stood up, then threw the empty packet of peanuts to the bin nearby.

I took a deep breath before speaking again. "So, uhm. I need to talk to you about-

"Hold that thought." He raised a finger in the air. "Did you eat already?"


"Let's eat at Kelly's," he suggested, beaming like a child. "I love their chicken and potatoes."

"We have to talk," I told him again.

"I know. We will talk there, okay? I can't listen well if I'm hungry. Get out of your bike and go inside my car. My treat," he added, his dimples getting deeper.

"Fine," I sighed. I was hungry as well. I left my bike and settled myself in his car. He put the bike in the trunk, then sat beside me and started to drive.

"Do you like the food in Kelly's?" he asked me, throwing quick glances at me while driving.

"They're okay," I replied. Kelly's Diner wasn't really famous because of their food, but because of their servers. All of their waitresses have this special uniform; short denim shorts, white cropped tops with the diner's logo, and a pair of roller blades. Most of their customers were men, of course. Leslie considered applying there but she couldn't even stand straight in roller blades.

"I love that place," Harry said. "It's really cool."

"'Course you do," I snickered. "It's not surprising."

"What do you mean?" 

"Men like that place. There's no wonder why."

 "If you think I like Kelly's because of their servers, then you're wrong. I just really love their chicken."

"Yeah right," I murmured with sarcasm.

"Why aren't you working there? In Kelly's? I heard they pay good and the tips are also nice."

"I was never interested," I answered.

"Really? Why?"

"I'm not comfortable with really short clothing. And I'm too clumsy."

"That's a shame. You got a really nice figure. You'll rock their uniform."

My cheeks turned warm. I looked outside again, feeling a bit shy. "Whatever," I mumbled. I didn't know what to say and I was thankful when I realized that we already reached the diner.

The place was crowded and the soft country music was playing. A lady in roller blades stopped in front of us, flashing her very lovely smile.

"Hi, Harry!" she greeted him. "Table for one?"

"For two, Carly. And we need a place where we could be alone and undisturbed," he replied, and it was obvious to me that he already knew everyone in here.

Carly looked at me. She smiled, but not that friendly unlike earlier. "Okay. Please follow me."

We walked behind her and she gave us a table in the corner of the diner, far from the chatting customers and busy counter.

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