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The strong and warm aroma of the coffee woke my senses up. I took the cup from the counter, giving the barista a smile before heading to the empty seat beside the windows.

I held the warm coffee in my hands and let it linger under my nose for a moment. I took a sip of it. Hmm, really good. Just exactly what I needed.

My phone hummed inside my pocket. My mood went from 0-100 real quick after seeing Harry's name on the screen.

"Hey, angel," Harry muttered in my ear, his husky voice giving me chills. God, his effect to me was so unbelievable.

"Hey, hot stuff," I replied with a giddy smile.

"You're stealing my line."

I chuckled softly and sank my back to the chair. "You don't call me hot stuff anymore so I'm free to use it. Unless you copyrighted that word."

"Smart ass," he mumbled slowly. "I just woke up. Where are you?"

"Cafe," I sighed, imagining him under the sheets with his sexy morning hair and tired eyes. I got to see that wonderful view yesterday when I woke up next to him. I couldn't believe how alluring he looked in the morning.

"Are you alone?"

"Yeah. I just need a really good coffee before I could function for today. I'm a bit wiped."

"I think you should rest. You just arrived hours ago."

"I want to, but I have to work," I said, followed with a yawn. I just got back from New York last night, fifteen minutes before midnight. If only I could stay in bed, I would.

"Skip work, then."

"Wish I could. But I've been absent for two days already, Harry."

He sighed. "Those two days were the best days of my life so far."

"Me too," I breathed out, aching to see him again.

"We'll do it again, alright? Maybe this coming weekend? We can visit Gemma and Maddi in New Jersey."

"This coming weekend? Of course! Sounds great!" I exclaimed without even thinking twice. I really couldn't wait to see him again.

"Dammit, Jade," he exhaled. "You have no idea how much I'm missing you. The bed sheets and pillows still smell like you and it's killing me."

I bit my lip, my fingers unconsciously gripping my jeans. Thousands of butterflies fluttered madly inside my stomach as I recalled the times we spent on that bed. "I miss you too. So bad."

"I'm glad the feeling is mutual. I have to run, angel. I uh...I got a lot of jobs to do today. I'll call you again tonight, okay?"

The word job flashed in my head. I shook off the scenes my imagination was giving me. "Be careful," I murmured, slightly worried for him.

"Don't worry about me, alright? I'll be fine."


"Bye, angel. Be a good girl," he said, and I could hear him grinning.

"Bye," I replied, a bit uneasy. I knew that sometimes his job could attract danger even if he told me that I got nothing to worry about.

I wasn't the kind of person who prayed a lot, but I guess that would change now.

As soon as I ended the call, I saw Alex walking toward my table with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Welcome back," he smiled, then pulled the chair near me and sat on it. "When did you arrive?"

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