Chapter 6

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Today is the day that we're back in Florida for three days. Jacob was supposed to be coming to see me but I honestly don't know what's going on with that. Maddie said that she's still coming, I don't know why because when she gets in an argument with someone they're never friends again. I guess she could be to see bands but she said that she wants to talk to me. She probably just wants to fight some more.

Maxx also forced me to tell him what was going on, I'm not mad about it because I shouldn't have been keeping it from him in the first place. So he knows that me and Cody don't really hate each other anymore and we're actually kind of friends. He was kind of upset at first that I had been keeping all of this from him but he got over it within twenty minutes.

I want to know what's going to happen today but I also wish I could've just stayed in my bunk and never had to come out. Maddie keeps texting me that she's here and she's ready to see me and all these things like she never said any of what she said. Cody and Maxx keep telling me not to worry about it but I can't not worry about it when I feel like there's something weird with this whole situation.

I got back on my phone and I more text messages. They were from Maddie and Jacob just saying the same stuff that they've been saying all morning like nothing happened. I think something is going on and I honestly don't want to know what it is.

"Stop thinking about it." It was Cody telling me to stop thinking and worrying about it for the thousandth time. "It's kind of hard to do that when they won't stop texting me like nothing happened, and I feel like they have something planned out."

"Maybe they do maybe they don't, but you can't control them or what they do so stop worrying about them." He kinda did have a point. "I'll try I guess."

"Good I have to go now but I'll be back." After that he left.

They're about to start letting people in and I really don't know what to do. Well I know I have to stay here, but I don't know what to think. I also know that they know where I'm at and that I'm going to be here.

I don't want anything to start here because there will be fans here and if they want to start something they can just leave. I'm also tired because I didn't sleep very much and once I did sleep it was already time to get up.

I started to see people, I'm hoping that they will just come here later or when Set It Off is actually on stage because there won't be very many people here because they're on stage. But I guess not because here come both of them.

Something wasn't right but I didn't realize until they were very close to me that they were holding hands. What is going on here, I honestly didn't want to know and now there were also two girls here to buy merch. I tried to not pay attention to them while I was helping the two girls, but it was kind of hard when they were standing right there. Once I was done with the two girls they actually came up to me.

"Did you miss us." It was Maddie speaking, she didn't sound like the same Maddie that I knew. "I would rather know whats going on here before that." She looked mad that I didn't saw that I missed her but she's currently holding hands with my boyfriend.

"Thats the reason that we're here today to tell you some things." Jacob walked away, I honestly didn't even care where he was going, I wish that they would both just leave. "So are you going to tell me or are you just going to stand there staring at me." She rolled her eyes.

"Well you see here I decided to find out what was going on before because I was being a good friend and that's why I was texting you but you wouldn't answer, just like Jacob was doing." She paused for a second like she was trying to figure out what she was going to say. "So I found out that Jacob was cheating on you, well I actually already kind of knew that because one of the people that he had cheated on you with in the past was me."

"I was actually busy and I guess Jacob was just out cheating on me and that's why he wouldn't answer the phone." She nodded and then decided that she still had more to say and I honestly just wanted her to shut up and leave. "Yes but for all we know you could've been cheating on him too." Is she serious right now what happened to her in the not even a full month that I was gone.

"Who would've I been cheating on him with I won't even talk to strangers." I yelled at her. "Well you never know, also I would like to let you know that me and Jacob are dating." She was just so different I really want to know what happened but I also don't.

"Okay well you can leave now so I can actually do my job." There's was a small line of people that was starting to form. The day went on and I just did my job and tried to not think about them.

I lost a friend and a boyfriend but honestly maybe it's better. He was cheating on me and she was one of the people that he was cheating on me with. I'm happy that I'm on tour though because if I wasn't I wouldn't have anything to distract me from it and Maxx wouldn't be home. I mean I guess Cody wouldn't be home either but I wasn't friends with him until a couple weeks ago, and that also happened on this tour.

Once the day was finally over I went over by the bus and sat down on a curb. I didn't feel like crying until just now. Cody walked up and sat down next to me. "So what happened." I hadn't saw him or really anyone else all day.

"Well Jacob has been cheating on me probably before I even left for tour." I was already crying and I really didn't want to tell the rest of the story but I was going to because I really had no other choice. "One of the people that he's been cheating on me with is Maddie, and I guess that they're dating now."

"Did Jacob say anything?" I shook my head "No he actually left basically right after they walked up and I started talking to Maddie." I was crying even harder now at this point and I was happy that the story was over so I wouldn't have to say anything else.

Cody pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. I cried for about five more minutes before decided to just get on the bus. Cody stayed outside and said that he would tell Maxx. He could tell that I probably wasn't going to be able to tell the story again.

When I got on the bus I changed and then went to my bunk. It was only eight but I really just wanted to sleep. I surprisingly actually fell asleep about five minutes after laying down.

When I woke up I remembered the events of yesterday, I decided that I was just going to focus on what I had to do today. I woke up later than I had been so everyone was already up. I really needed something to so I just had dry cereal because we didn't have any milk. Nobody really said anything to me probably because they figure that I really didn't want to talk, but I actually did because I wanted something to keep my mind off of it.

Cody came to help me set up. I ended up starting a conversation because I really wanted something to talk about so I didn't think about it. We just talked about random things because he must have figured it out that I actually did want to talk. We didn't realize that they started to let people in until people started to come up to the tent and it was more than usual because Cody was here.

Cody met all the people that were there and then went back to the bus for awhile before he had to go onstage.

The day was mostly the same as all the other days. I don't know how I would be handling everything if I wasn't on tour and didn't have it to keep my mind off of everything.

It's not much longer than last time but I didn't really know what else to add to this chapter

And I never did this and I thought I did but you can follow me on my Instagrams twin.skeletonz and ptv.shelby and on Twitter which is 5sosftwwe

Thanks for reading ✌🏼️🐢🌚

I Hate You // Cody Carson (REWRITING/ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now