From Different Worlds.

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| Heather's POV |

  Get a grip, Heather. Just get a grip... He'll probably be one of the one's to be eliminated. Yeah.. I say to myself, as I finally smile in hope.

  I grabbed my bag, and head into the Cabin, I'm sharing with my team-mates. Soon enough, Once I opened the doorway. Duncan is already there, grinning at me. I pretend not to notice and take the other bunk, that's farthest away from him.

"Take the top bunk. I want the bottom." A girl with blonde hair and a nice body says as she smiles.

"I was planning to anyway." I say, throwing my pillow up there.

"Hey! You're so pretty!" The girl continued.

  I looked at her, a slightly smiled.

"Thanks." I say with confidence.

"My name is Lindsay! I maybe pretty, but I hate Math!" Lindsay said.

"Uh... okay. I'll keep that in mind." I say, crossing my arms.

Hm, she's not bad. I could probably have her in my little group, call "alliance"

"Say! Wanna be in my alliance?" I said, trying to be polite. She looked at me confused.

"What's a.. alliance?" She said, pointing her finger to her mouth.

"A alliance.. is, a thing where you do things for a person, that.. that person doesn't need to do!" I said.

"Oooh! Kewl! I wanna join! I'll join!" She jumped up and down.

"Great. Now, unpack my bag while, I lay in bed." I say, getting in my bunk.

"Kay!" Lindsay said happily as she takes my clothes out.

  Ah,  this is great. If I keep this up, This place isn't half-bad having people here doing my dirty work, I thought to myself as I turned my head.

| Duncan's POV |

Man she totally saw me! Why didn't she came to our bunk, we was gonna share I muttered in my thoughts. As a big kid approaches me.

"Hi! I'm Owen! Mind if I take the top bunk?" The blonde-chubby kid says.

I was thinking taking the bottom, but if he takes the top, I'll be crushed.

"Uh! That bunk is already taking! That's mine." I say, climbing out the bottom bunk.

"Oh okay!" Owen said, putting his comic books on the bed.

I climb to the top bunk, and looked to the other side. Me and Heather are elevated the same. I can perfectly see her from the side.

"It's not what I wanted, but this we'll do." I say putting my arms behind my neck, looking at Heather.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. Man, I love that look. Just as I look at her, the speaker went on.

"Everybody come to the cafeteria in 5." Chris said.

"Oooh! Food!" Owen said happily as he breaks down the doorway.

"Yay! I just hope they don't give carb-foods." Lindsay said, as she followed Owen.

I jumped down off my bunk, waiting the Royal-highness to come down. But, as I look up.. She wasn't there.

"What the- Where did she go? She was just there." I said, confused.

She couldn't have voodoo herself out the cabin, can see? As I walk out and head to the cafeteria.

| Heather's POV |

I quickly started running towards the cafeteria as fast I could. I knew that Idiot would follow right behind, so I made a quick dash.

Once I opened the door, a foul stench entered my sensitive nose. I immediately covered my nose.

"What's that horrible smell?!" I yelled across the room.

"Our lunch." A pale-skin girl dressed in all black with, blue in some of her black hair. It seems I saw her in my cabin, she's on my team.

"Are they serious? I'm not eating that. I rather die." I said, sitting down next to her, with my arms crossed.

"I couldn't sworn my meal just moved." The emo-girl said, using her fork poking the mysterious meat.

"You." A deep voice spoke and pointed at me.

"Yes?" I say, standing up.

"Aren't you gonna get lunch? This is your last chance for a meal for the rest of the day. Eat now, or deal with hunger." The mean-looking chef said, to me.

"Uh.. No thank you." I say flipping my hair.

"Hmph. Fine by me, but let you know.. Boys don't like girls who don't eat." The chef saying, taking off his apron.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?" I say, stomping my foot.

But, as his response, he just waved his hand without looking back and left the kitchen.

"So unprofessional. What kind of joke does Chris is he trying to pull?" I muttered to myself.

Once, I started walking to my team's table, I spotted a face I wanted to avoid for the longest, but it seems I can't get away.

Without looking, I sat down and take out my nail-filer, trying to avoid speaking or eye-contact with Duncan.

"Look who decided to come see me.." Duncan said, rubbing his hand through his Mohawk.

I completely ignored him, as I heard hands clapping.

"Everyone here? Good." Chris say, standing up on a chair.

"Since its only the first day, and the day is almost over. I figured to do the first challenge, bright and early tomorrow. For now, There will be a little campfire near the beach for everyone to interact with each other. You're welcome to come. That is all for now, See you guys tomorrow bright and early." Chris says.

So there's gonna be a little party it seems? I'm so in! I finally wanna tell everyone who I am, and who I am should be treated. More for me trying to find another sucker to be in my alliance.

"Oooh! A party! I'm so excited!" Lindsay say, cheerful. "I'm gonna meet some boys!"

"Is that all your interested? You slut-bag." I say, teasingly as I kneel her with my elbow lightly.

"Hey! Why not? It's a good chance to get someone distracted and vulnerable, and that's when you go for the kill.. I mean, eliminated." The girl spoke with a glare.

Did she say go for the kill? This girl is smarter then I thought. I under-estimated her. Well, she didn't know what "alliance" ment.

"So... Heather, you're going to the little campfire?" Duncan tried to move the conversation to me.

All I did was, shot a glare at him and spoke.

"Not for you!" I say, getting up and walking out from the cafeteria.

MAN! That dude just boils my blood. Ugh! He's so.... UGH! JUST ME THINKING ABOUT IT, MAKES ME FURIOUS. I continue walking to hell knows where, trying to relief steam.

Total-Drama Crush; Duncan X Heather Where stories live. Discover now