work out buddies

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I was sitting in my stall after the game. playing in the OHL was a shock for me, the guys were all bigger then me and I couldn't play the way I was used to. after the game I went to talk with the coaching staff and they put me on a strict diet and work-out regiment. it was going to be hard to follow it and I left the rink in a crappy mood.

I walked with my bag out to the parking lot. I say Eli sitting in her truck. I walked behind the truck and tossed my bag into the truck bed before getting in the passenger's seat and slamming the door.

"what's wrong?" El asked putting and arm around my shoulder

"coach has me on a strict diet and exercise regiment so I can get stronger and keep playing. if I don't do this they're going to cut me from the team. I don't know how I'm going to do this with school and everything else." I said throw my head back in distress.

"well I know it helps me workout if I have someone to do it with. maybe i could do the workouts with you. i get good grades in school so i can tutor you if you fall behind plus I'm a great cook so that diet shouldn't be a problem." she said giving me a huge smile.

"you don't have to do that, I couldn't ask you to do that."

"first i know i don't have to, i want to. second you aren't asking I'm offering and besides it could help me get bumped up to the first line which would be good for me for when universities start their scouting."

"okay but you can stop whenever you want." i said hugging her. i had the best friend a guy could ask for.     

***********One Year Later****************

I sat on the counter as Elizabeth blended up one of the post-workout shakes they tasted gross but she was insistent on making she i re-fueled after workouts. after a few months of working individually with me the whalers noticed my improvements and decided to hire her as a junior trainer. she ran workouts 3 day a week with the team and was in charge of doing all pre-game meals for us.

it was nice to have a familiar to walk to the rink with. she worked out with me everyday and had trained with me all off season. i was really protective of her since most of the team wanted in her pants but they knew better then to try anything with me around, if anyone on the team was going to date her it would be me.

as far as school was concerned i brought my 65% average up to 82% and ended up making the honor roll.

tonight was the home opener and my coach came and told me there were NHL scouts out looking at me. that sent my nerves crazy. i walked into the food area and saw Eli laying out some fruits, she turned to face me a look of concern on her face

"what's wrong?" she asked walking over to me

"there're scouts from some NHL teams out there and they came to see me."

"Ty that's incredible I'm so proud of you." she said throwing her arms around my neck

"Eli what if i mess this up and play terrible? or worse i play well but it isn't enough." i say running my hand through my hair.

"Ty you are going to play great, you've improved so much all last year and you are one of the top players in the OHL so just go out there and play your game and you'll get plenty of attention."

"thanks Eli I'll see you after the game alright."

"go gettem Segs." she said smacking me on the back. i rolled my eyes before returning to the locker room and getting changed.

the game went great and i got a goal and two assists. as i sat in the room Eli poked her head in with a hand over her eyes so she didn't accidently see too much of one of the guys

"Segs there are some guys in suits out here who want to talk to you." she said before closing the door

i stood up and walked out of the room to see some man in a suit leaned against the wall.

"hi I'm Tyler it's a pleasure to meet you."

"hi Tyler I'm Donald and I'm a scout with the bruins. i was very impressed with your game and i wanted to let you know I'm going to put in a good word for you but i have to ask how did you improve so much in just one year?" he asked

"see that girl down there." i said pointing at Lizzy "it was all her, she had me working out everyday and got me eating healthy. there were days where i wanted to kill her but i wouldn't be the player i am right now without her."

he nodded shaking my hand and walking away. Eli ran over to me

"so what did he want?" she asked jumping up and down in front of me

"he said he was going to put in a good word with the bruins organization. god do you know how huge this is. i mean it could make my career." i said picking her up and spinning her around "but you know what i never could have done it without you."

"awe Ty you would have found a way without me but i have some important news myself," she said as i held her up "at my last game there was a scout from the University of Texas, he said he wanted me to come down for a  training camp in two weeks so the coaches could see me in action."

"that's fantastic, you're going to knock them out of the water." i said spinning her around more. i finally put her down and went to go change out of my equipment. things were looking up for the both of us. 

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