First Day

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i woke up to the screaming of my alarm and rolled over to see it was only 6:30. i wanted to hit snooze but knew if i did I'd never be ready in time for the first day of my internship. i rolled out of bed and stumbled down to the bathroom.

i turned on the water and waited for the edges of the mirror to steam up. i did my usual shower routine before hoping out and drying myself off. i changed into my black skater dress and but a bright green belt around my waist. i quickly curled my hair into loose waves and did some light make-up

i threw my phone and a change of workout clothes into my bag since i might have to run workouts with the team. as i threw my boots on the doorbell rand. i opened the door to see Jordie standing in the door frame.

"hey come in. where is Jamie?" i asked as we walked to the kitchen.

"i thought he was here he never came home last night." Jordie said grabbing an apple "i thought i should wake him up before he is late for practise." 

"well come with me then I'll see if i can find Ally." we walked down the hallway past my room and the bathroom. i knocked on Ally's door but nobody answered so i twisted the nob to open the door. as i stepped inside her room i saw her and Jamie curled up beside each other.  

i couldn't help myself and grabbed my phone snapping a picture. i had forgotten to turn off the flash so it woke them up. Ally looked about ready to murder me but i ran out of the room before she had a chance. after a few minutes Jamie and Jordie stumbled out and went to their room to get ready for practise but before they left they promised to pick me up and drive me.

once they left Ally came walking out of the bathroom with her hair dripping wet.

"morning sleeping beauty. have fun with Jamie last night?" i asked in a suggestively

she rolled her eyes saying "nothing happened we fell asleep on the couch and i didn't want him walking back to the apartment at 3 in the morning half asleep so i let him crash with me."

"well you two seemed awful close  and i have a picture to prove it." i said waving my phone in her face.

she swatted my hand away grumbling about how annoying i was.

"so do you want to be dating him?" i asked

"yeah but he'd never go for me. he could get anyone he wanted so why would he go for me." she said pushing the food on her plate around with her fork.

"you aren't just anyone though Ally at least tell him how you feel. maybe if i had done that with Tyler we'd still be together." i said getting up to meet the Benn brothers.

it was a quick drive to the rink and i could have walked but the Benn brothers insisted on driving me. when we pulled into the underground parking and then walked through the underbelly of the American Airlines Center. Jamie went to the dressing room while Jordie and i walked up to meet with the rest of the training staff.

i walked into a room to see about four guys in Dallas stars track suits. Jordie cleared his throat and they guys turned to him all saying hi.

"guys this is Elizabeth she is the new intern. Eli this is the training staff. I'll leave you guys to talk while i get ready for practise." Jordie said before leaving the room and going back to get ready for practise

the guys introduced themselves to me one by one and the last guy to come up to me was quite attractive.

"Hi, I'm Jackson, it's nice to meet you Lizzy. " he said with a smirk "it's okay if i call you Lizzy right?"

i nodded not able to bring myself to speak. something about him terrified me but i was curious about him. he had a chiselled jaw line with light eyes and dark brown hair. he towered over my petit frame. he looked no older then early twenties.

the oldest of the men Paul came over to us and asked us to change into our workout gear and run the warm-ups for the guys.

i ran to the washroom and changed into my compression shorts, a blue sports bra and white loose tank top.  Jackson was waiting outside the ladies room when i came out and i almost walked right into him

"ready to go?" he asked

i nodded my head and he guided me forward with his hand. we walked into a large gym which had every piece of workout gear imaginable. we did a circuit workout making sure the guys worked all their muscles.

i was running through stretches when i felt somebody staring at me. i looked over to see Jackson looking at me. when i caught his eyes he didn't look away but just continued to stare. it was unnerving but i continued to run the workout.

after stretching i was spotting Jordie on some weights when he said

"Jackson seems to have eyes for you. just be careful I've heard he as a bit of a temper."

"really he seemed nice earlier." i said "but i was talking to Ally earlier and she admitted she has feelings for Jamie but she doesn't think she has a chance."

"i had the same talk with Jamie after we got back to the apartment and he admitted the same thing but he thinks he isn't good enough for her." he said resting the weight back on the bar "if we don't do something they'll never get together."

"well i think i have a plan as long as your up for it." i said the plan coming together in my mind

"yeah don't look now but a certain boy is walking right toward you." Jordie said getting up and moving on to the next section of the work out.

i turned and almost smacked right into Jackson's chest.

"hey Lizzy i was wondering if you were free tonight for diner." he said in an almost cocky tone

"i don't know i just got out of a relationship I'm not really interested in jumping into another one." i said taking a step back. he took another large step toward me so we were practically toe to toe.

"come on just give me one chance. i promise you won't regret it." he said

"okay Friday then." i said walking away.

i wasn't 100% sure about this but one date could never hurt i guess.   

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