going home

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Tyler was driving me home as i curled up in the passenger's seat. we had stopped at the pharmacy to pick up my pain medication. i had taken two of the little white pills and i was finally able to move without wincing.

we drove in a comfortable silence until we pulled up to the apartment building.

"wait here I'll get the door." Tyler said running around to my side of the car.

"Tyler i can open a door. it's  broken ribs not a broken neck."

"i don't care i don't want you lifting a finger until your rib is healed." he said

we walked into the lobby area getting a few looks from other tenants. i guessed they had heard about what had happened a few hours before.

"hey don't let them worry you." Tyler said "in a few days they'll forget what happened."

"i hope you're right. i hate being the center of attention." i said as we got into the elevator. a few more people clamored in and i was pushed up against Tyler in the corner. he carefully draped his arms around me. his hands rested on my lower back and mine were laying against his chest.

by the time we reached the top floor we were the only ones on the elevator.

"Eli." Tyler said hesitantly. "did you actually catch Jackson and Leah?."

i looked at the floor not wanting to have to tell him his girlfriend was cheating.

"Yeah Ty. I'm sorry you deserve someone who only cares for you." i said. i felt terrible that someone would do that to him.

"hey it isn't your fault. i should have known better then to date someone with that type of track record. i should have listened to the guys when they warned me." he said running his hands through his hair.

i was going to say something but the elevator doors dinged signaling it was time for me to return to my apartment. i rummaged through my bags for my keys finding them and unlocking the door.

"thanks for walking me up. I'll see you in the morning so we can catch our plane." i said walking in.

"i don't think so you're going to stay with me tonight i don't want you alone right now. pack your bags then we can go to my place alright."

"Ty you don't have to."

"i know i don't i want to. besides I'll feel better knowing i can keep an eye on you." he said cutting me off.

i went into my room and threw in the clothes i would need for the next few days. before changing into my pajamas. i winced as the shirt fell over my ribs.

i walked out of the room to see Tyler cleaning the living room and kitchen. he had a phone pressed between his ear and shoulder.

"i know Jamie. i didn't think he was capable of it either until i saw the bruises myself... yes i know pushing her away wasn't the answer but i couldn't stand seeing her with him. yeah don't worry i won't let her get away again. okay I'll make sure Jackson's fired as soon as were back from Christmas break... no i want to be the one to tell him. alright if you could let Ally and Jordie know that'd be great... yeah I'll let her know you say hi. bye."

i watched him walk around and pick up some more trash before he spotted me.

"you ready to go?" he asked walking toward me.

"yeah i couldn't lift me bags though."

he walked back to my room and grabbed my bags without a struggle. he wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and walked me out of the apartment. i locked up behind me and we walked the short distance to Tyler's apartment. when we opened the door and were greeted by an excited Cash and Marshal.

Catching a Falling Star a Tyler Seguin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now