So This is Goodbye

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it was a few months after the draft and things between Tyler and i had ended. i was hard to tell the one guy you love to move on from you. we both realised with him going to Boston and me going to Dallas it was no way to start a relationship. things went back to the way they were before. there was only a little bit of weirdness between us but nothing compared to what i thought it would be.

we were sitting at the airport waiting for his flight to Boston and mine to Dallas. Chara was going to be picking up Tyler from the airport while Ally picked me up in Dallas. i had already shipped most of my stuff to Dallas last week and Ally had set up our room. we decided to live in an apartment rather then residence so we had space to keep our equipment and we could actually have people over.

our neighbors also happened to be the Benn brothers which I'm sure Ally knew before we signed the lease. Tyler and i were talking about how we would see each other at Christmas so we only had to go 4 months without seeing each other. the Bruins and Stars only played in Boston so we wouldn't see each other then.

too soon i heard my flight get called. we were in side by side terminals so it wasn't far for me to walk to the check in area so Tyler walked me over. as i was waiting in line his plane was called

"you should go i don't want you missing your flight." i said hugging him. the line moved foreword and i could see the flight attendants now.

"i don't want to have to say goodbye to you it's like I'm loosing you all over again." he said stroking my hand with his thumb.

"don't say goodbye then just say see you later. beside it's only temporary." i said

"it still feels like goodbye." he said looking down. i got to the front of the line as his flight was called again.

"go or you'll miss your flight." i said pushing him away.

he wrapped me in a hug before pulling away he was about to let go of my hand when he pulled me back and said "promise me you'll find someone who makes you happy and treats you right."

"only if you promise the same." i said. he nodded before letting go of my hand and walking toward his terminal.

i handed the lady my ticket and she ripped of the stub handing it to me. i walked down the tunnel taking one last look at Tyler playing with his phone. i turned mine off and walked to the plane. the flight attendant showed me to my seat and i stashed my bag into the overhead compartment.

it was a quick flight with little turbulence but when we landed in Dallas it was pouring. i tried to get off the plane as quickly as possible. once i got through baggage claim i turned on my phone to see a bunch of text from some old friends about how they'll miss me. i saw a message from Ally letting me know where to meet her.

i scrolled to the bottom of my messages and saw one from Tyler saying

I'll always love you. always have always will.

I saw he sent it just before i boarded my plane. i felt tears brimming my eyes but pushed them back not wanting to make a scene.

i walked until i saw Ally sitting on a bench. i waved and she ran over to me wrapping me in a hug.

"Hey you look like hell lets get you to the apartment so you can sleep." Ally said grabbing my bags and walking toward a very nice car.

"is this yours?" i asked shocked that she could afford something like this.

"awe no it's Jamie's but the and Jordie are at training camp right now so he said i could borrow it to pick you up. they're coming over for dinner. I'm making lasagna so you can sleep while i cook. sound like a plan?"

i nodded practically falling asleep in the plush leather seats.

i felt someone shaking me awake and opened my eyes to see Ally with all my bags. i got out of the car and saw apartment buildings that were huge. we walked through a nice lobby to an elevator and took it up to the top floor.

the apartment was nice. it was bigger then i excepted since we took the money that would have been spent on residence and bought this place instead. the living room had a couch love seat and chair with a T.V. it was all black and white making it look very modern. she showed me to my room it was painted the purple i had picked out and it had boxes piled up along the walls filled with my belongings and clothing. my bedspread was black and white writing. i unpacked the boxes and put the clothes into my closet.

i threw my toiletries into our shared washroom before retreating back to my room. i changed into a pair of leggings and one of Tyler's shirts. it still smelled like him and it was comforting. i opened the text he sent again letting the tears fall freely this time. i cried myself to sleep.

a few hours later i felt someone shaking me and opened my eyes to see Jamie and Jordie standing over me.

"hey there Eliphant." Jamie said using the nickname i hated.

"dinner is ready." Jordie said as the smell of lasagna filtered into the room. i pulled the covers off me and stood up hugging the brothers. we walked out to the table and each took a seat in front of a plate. i took a big piece of the lasagna Jordie cut me. we ate rather quickly before we all went to the couches.

we popped in some movie and Jamie and Ally sat on the love seat her legs draped over his lap. i turned to Jordie and whispered

"are they dating?"

"no i wish it would cut the sexual tension in the room if they both just admitted their feelings but neither one is willing to risk rejection so they act like their just friends." he whispered.

after the first movie Jordie and i went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

"so i was talking to our training staff and they are looking for an intern for the season so i told them about you and they said as long as you were willing to they could give you the position." Jordie said pouring himself a glass of milk.

"oh my god you are the best. thank you yes I'll take the internship." i said jumping up and throwing my arms around him. he wrapped his around my waist and hugged me back.

when we went into the living room Jamie and Ally were asleep so Jordie went back to his apartment while i went to sleep in my room getting ready to meet with the other interns tomorrow. maybe life in Dallas wouldn't be too bad after all.  



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